Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 27, 2009

I have to admit it. For the past 30 years, I did not have much of an appetite for fruit.


It was never a question of not liking it. It just seemed like a cumbersome process to wash and peel or slice before eating. Mind you, as I thought about the subject of vegetables, I realized I never had a problem with preparing lettuce or tomatoes for salad. “So what’s the big deal about fruit?” I asked myself.


That was 6 weeks ago.


Now, as I prepare my lunch in the morning, I slice up two apples in a baggie to go. Consumed at break or lunch, I learned that the bonus with apples is that they help your body reduce cholesterol. The increase in energy from natural sugars is easier on my overall mental demeanor rather than ‘crashing’ a half hour later from the consumption of a manufactured sugar.


In conferring with my dietician, he told me to avoid food products that are white and focus on those that are brown. Brown bread: 4 slices maximum per day, brown rice or brown pasta (1 serving per day). Make pasta with crushed tomatoes instead of pasta sauce. If I find the sauce somewhat bland, add some fresh basil to flavour.


I limit my meat intake to a quantity the size of my palm and include as many steamed vegetables and/or salad as I wish.


Important note to self: Make sure that I use only 1 tablespoon of low calorie salad dressing, preferably not a creamy one. Use a knife and break the surface of the lettuce to allow the dressing to seep downwards. I found that using this simple step resulted in having more than enough dressing.


I am not automatically putting salt and pepper on my food. I try it without either first, then add as needed. I have been pleasantly surprised how flavourful food can be on its’ own.  


With the warm weather these days, I have tripled my intake of water.


To my surprise, I had more to say about diet than I thought. But I wanted to share some additional, simple strategies that are working for me.


Next week, it will definitely be time for eating habits and an introduction into my exercise regimen.

Have a week of good health,

{ 1 comment }

Jolene 07.27.09 at 9:11 am

Thats a great trick for salad dressing, Rick! I always end up with too much dressing! I’ll try it today at lunch.

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