Heat, Humidity and Delusions

by Juliana on July 31, 2009


I think I’ve mentioned before that one of the reasons why I don’t like to do exercise is because it makes me all sweaty.

So you can imagine how much I like this weather then. I don’t even have to be doing any exercise and I’m hot, sticky and there is sweat dripping down my back.

In addition, the heat and humidity do make me want to move as quick as a sloth, so it was a quite a challenge to make me do any long workouts outside. However, despite the hot weather I was convinced to go for a long 1 hour and 15 minute walk. The excursion turned out to be more like a 1 hour and 30 minute walk as there were times when my walking companions had to cajole me forward as my feet were dragging and I just wasn’t in the mood to walk fast. It also didn’t help, that I kept saying “I’m tired” or “I’m hot” or “I don’t like this” every 5 minutes or so.

Despite the whining and the weather I did manage to survive.

My one true victory this week, was completing a short and yet intense workout before I went out for dinner with friends. This time the restaurant was too far to walk to and my friend was going to give me a ride. As the dinner was a little later, I sped to the gym after work. Before I could talk myself out of it, I changed into my workout clothes and decided to do a quick cardio workout at the gym. I actually managed to do a 40 minute work out, shower and change before my friend came to pick me up.

Convincing myself to go to the gym before dinner was quite a feat as it was again quite hot that day and I easily could have given myself many, many, many reasons not to go. But in the end, I am quite glad that I did do the workout as it substantially helped with not feeling guilty as I enjoyed my lamb curry, rice and naan (sorry no pictures).

The other bonus of working out at my gym on a hot day was the fact that I didn’t have to work as hard to get a sweat going. I am hoping this resulted in an extra high calorie burn. But even if that isn’t truly a reality, I will delude myself into thinking my extra sweaty workout translated to an extra high calorie burn as it will encourage me to keep going to the gym.

Who says a little delusion isn’t good for your health.

{ 1 comment }

Jolene 07.31.09 at 4:13 pm

Good news, Shierley! It looks like it won’t be quite as hot next week. 🙂

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