Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 6, 2009

For years I had ascribed to the practice that I could lose weight and stay trim whenever I wanted. For exercise, I coached minor hockey for 8 years up to and including Midget level. I was on the ice with the team, 1 to 2 times a week, ten months a year. The odd golf game once a week occupied the other two months. During this time, I don’t recall ever having to be mindful of my diet per se.


Then three years ago, two things happened. My son stopped playing hockey and I turned 55.


I quickly learned that tactics such as abstinence from fried foods and those high in carbohydrates was not enough to lose weight anymore. While always recognizing the value and importance of exercise, it seemed harder somehow to incorporate it into my lifestyle. I was working longer hours with taking on new projects that I was enjoying.


However, I was also becoming frustrated with the fact that I was feeling winded after having walked only half way to a meeting in the north-eastern part of the campus.


It became readily apparent that if I wanted to maintain good health, I must take the steps necessary to reorganize my life to include regular exercise with a more conscientious approach to diet.  In order to accomplish these objectives,  I must formulate and work towards manageable goals with the same level of commitment I do for my job and my family. Someone once said that the hardest stage to surpass towards achieving something is getting started. That being said:  



The journey has begun.

