Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on August 10, 2009

As a reminder from my introductory blog, I noted that I used to coach hockey for approximately 8 years. This was a great way to stay in shape and enjoy a sport that I was literally raised on like many Ontario-born men my age.


I can remember crisp, bright moonlit nights with my dad in our backyard in suburban Toronto, hose in hand, spreading the water carefully over a pounded- down snow surface gentler than if you were filling a glass with juice.


And now I live in a province where spreading water in my backyard in the winter is still just watering my lawn like in summer.


Summers are a great time of year for me to restart exercising. Yes – I actually enjoy cutting the front and back lawns, trimming the edges, raking, weeding and watering the shrubs. For those of you who enjoy the same, you know that there is something about giving nature a hair cut (not too much off the sides) that has a natural, communal feel to it. You see your results immediately and your customer never complains. Mind you – the customer never tips either but such are labors of love.


Between Saturday and Sunday, theses activities will consume 3 to 4 hours in total.


During the week, it gets more challenging. I am up at 4:00 am and leave for work at 5:45 am. My work schedule is 6:45 am to 4:30 pm. I usually get home by 6:00 pm. If my day schedule includes a meeting across campus, I usually get my exercise in a brisk walk to and from my meeting. The walk can be up to 40 minutes both ways and I’ve noticed that I feel more energetic for the remainder of the day.


If my work day does not include a walk, I must make a conscientious effort to push myself out the door for a 40 minute walk when I get home. That is to say, come home, get changed and go. Don’t focus on anything else like reading the mail or asking the cat how her day was. You can do that afterwards. She won’t mind.


When the weather will get wet, I will throw on a light windbreaker and still go.  


As I noted before, my commitment to my journey to wellness must have the same level of dedication that I apply to work and my family.


Next week – returning to visit an old friend in the gym.

Have a week of good health,