Strength, Serenity and Wisdom

by Juliana on September 3, 2009

tropical meditationI think many people have heard the “Serenity Prayer” or a version of this prayer in their lifetime.  If not, here’s a version of it:

…Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things that should be changed;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

People often use this prayer to cope with a lot of different things in their life.  I am using a different version of this prayer when working out.  It goes something like this:

…Grant me the strength to work out when I should be working out
Serenity to take a rest when I need to take a rest;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

I know that my newer version is probably not as poetic as the “Serenity Prayer”, but I think you get the idea.  There are times when you should work out and there are times when you should take a break.  Yesterday was my break day.

I had a long day of standing on my feet and walking and when I came home I was very, very tired.  Sure, I could have gone for my usual 1 hour and 15 minute walk, but I decided that my body needed a break, so I spent the evening on the couch watching TV.

It was the best thing that I could have ever done!

When I came home, I felt a little bit of a vegetable, but after my evening of rest I felt mentally and physically rejuvenated.  The key thing to my rejuvenation was to admit to myself that I needed to take a rest and to enjoy the rest without the “Oh no, I’m skipping on my workout” guilt.

Removing the guilt from the non-workout days is important to maintain your health and wellness.  Guilt can be a huge stressor, so if you are taking a day off, do it guilt-free and enjoy the Serenity.

And last, but not least, you also need to have the Wisdom to know when you are slacking off from your workout versus taking a rest.  Too many guilt-free days from exercise could set you back from your health and wellness goals, so you need to be honest with yourself about why you are not working out on that day.


Pierre 09.04.09 at 12:43 pm

It looks like a certain someone has the PROPER attitude when it comes to a healthy lifestyle! Balanced, intelligent and realisitic. Full points!

Shierley Chelliah 09.10.09 at 7:57 pm

Thanks Pierre for the compliment. Trying to rest without guilt is always a challenge for me.

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