Back on track with my new workout companions

by Grace on September 4, 2009


I’ve started going to the gym again.  This time I went with my friend to her gym where they have a television at every machine.  Because each machine had its own individual TV monitor, you can select your own channel to watch.  It made a huge difference for me.  Instead of looking at the clock every 30 seconds and wanting to leave the gym as soon as possible, I actually wanted to stay longer at the gym.  One night I watched an entire episode of Criminal Minds while on the treadmill.  Another night I watched an episode of Law and Order: SVU.  That’s an hour of working out each night that flew by.  I would have stayed longer if my friend wasn’t so eager to leave.   She couldn’t find a TV show she wanted to watch.

What kicked off this latest fervor for working out was a long walk I took from Chinatown to Stanley Park on Saturday.  I didn’t want all that energy wasted as a one-off exercise venture so I decided to follow that up by going to the gym.

{ 1 comment }

Erin 09.04.09 at 2:48 pm

That’s so great Grace – you found a motivator that works for you :-). I too find that time flies at the gym if you can catch a good show.

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