Fair food fare and fitness?

by Ted Sedgwick on September 10, 2009

Deep fried Oreo.. ymmmmm!

Deep fried Oreo.. ymmmmm!

As the ‘kids’ get back to school I am finally getting back into my yoga stretching program. Odd, and somewhat comforting that it seems to fit with the slow down to an autumn season.

As a last kick at Summer I attended the PNE last weekend. Now, on my previous visit to the PNE I did indulge in the fair food offerings – not too adventurous, just a hot dog and mini donuts, but the legacy remained in my memory and this time I actually packed a lunch.
Arriving at the PNE I was almost immediately assaulted by the smell of frying onions. Actually, I quite like that smell although one vendor seemed to be trying a new tactic in attracting clients by setting his booth on fire. More smoke than anything but it got my attention.

I resisted the temptation to seek out the new ‘culinary’ additions to the fair’s fast food that I had heard about : deep fried oreos, deep fried butter (yes, flavored butter patties in a batter) and various other deep fried ‘staples’ of the fair. My taste buds were not adventurous enough to discover what this material tasted like and my inner ‘fitness’ voice supported them with a ‘this can’t be good for you’. I found it somewhat ironic that after presenting all of the high caloric fast foods for consumption -and later ‘protein spills’ in the ride section- the PNE prizehome was equipped with an exercise gym!  Offering the best of all worlds I could hear the criers: EAT the FOOD, WIN a HOME, WORK it OFF!! People are soooo good at rationalizing their eating habits!

Well, I didn’t eat the food or win the home, but I accepted the third plea, and my sandwich was quite happily worked off by walking around the grounds for several hours.
An interesting opportunity has come up to contribute to medical health research at a grass roots level. I’ll check it out and provide more information next week.

{ 1 comment }

Jolene 09.10.09 at 9:25 am

Good work, Ted!
I don’t know if I could have resisted that deep fried butter…
Who even thinks of that?!

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