Still going …

by Grace on September 11, 2009


Managed to continue with my workouts this week.  I previously focused on carido exercises but I started adding strength training and more stretching to my routine.  The result is constant muscle soreness.

On days when I don’t make it to the gym, I go for a very quick run.  The problem with running is that I’ve started to notice some pain in my left knee.  Perhaps I need new shoes?  Question for more experienced runners out there: what precautions do you take to prevent injury?


Kim 09.11.09 at 3:28 pm

Lots of stretching…the knee pain might be from not enough muscle strength around the knee. Squats are an easy solution, along with lunges. You can also try streching your IT-band.

How old are your shoes? If you want to get new ones, head to a place like the Running Room where they will do a gait analysis and recommend shoes based on how your feet are.


Erin Creak 09.11.09 at 3:37 pm

I strongly recommend not running every day. It sounds like you are not doing this so good. And running on soft surfaces is easiest on your body (trails, grass).

Re: shoes. Lady Sport near 4th and Alma is fantastic in terms of finding the right shoe for your foot.

Grace 09.14.09 at 9:33 am

thanks kim and erin. my shoes are really old so i’ll check out both the running room and lady sport.

kim, this is probably a stupid question but what is the IT-band?

Jolene 09.14.09 at 4:22 pm

I am a new runner as well, Grace and used to have terrible knee pain.
I got fitted for running shoes at New Balance and haven’t had any pain since. I highly recommend getting fitted for shoes or orthotics.

And…if I may answer for Kim, the IT band (iliotibial band) is a tendon that runs from your hip (iliac crest) to below your knee (tibia). lateral knee pain could be caused from a tight IT band ‘snapping’ over your lateral femoral epicondyle (bony process on the outside of your knee). This website has the basic info and some stretches:

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