The Five D’s of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.

by Jolene Cooper on September 15, 2009










Last night I had my first game of dodgeball.

Walking into that gymnasium, I was reminded of why I hated gym class as a child.
The stale smell of sweat and rubber assaulted my nose, the temperature was about 15 degrees warmer than in the hallway, and that whistle. Don’t get me started on the whistle.

While I wouldn’t exactly call our first dodgeball game a success, I would say we probably had more fun than the other team; and that’s all I really wanted. So I’m calling my sore right arm a bonus gift. 

I did take some solace in the fact that I wasn’t the only one with a sore throwing arm by the end of our crippling defeat.  And now I’m known as the girl on the team who teaches the post-game stretches. 

So my plan this week is to develop an arm strengthening program, something I apparently forgot about since last week’s post where I made the exact same realization.

What our team lacks in strength and actual skill, we’re hoping to make up for in strategy.  Does anyone know of any dodgeball strategies to improve our game?