Yoga at the SRC

by Suzanne Jolly on September 22, 2009

 I’m at it with the yoga again!  Thanks to UBC Rec for a great Shopping Week last week (don’t miss the next one in the Spring!).  I’ve really wanted to try out the classes that UBC Rec offers, and Shopping Week gave me that option on Friday.  So yes, I finally went to a yoga class again.  It had been a while and it very nicely kicked my butt.  In fact, Naomi (the instructor) should be happy to know that on Saturday and Sunday, I had problems moving out of bed, into bed, out of chairs, into chairs, and I even showed my friend how hard the Bow position is for me (… which kicked my butt some more (and I will point out that I can’t do very well at all).

 It’s ALL a Matter of Perception

 Honestly, if you had asked me about how my back was feeling before I rushed over to the Student Rec Centre for the yoga class, I would have said, “Fine.”

 But once I sat down on that mat, I realized how locked up I was.  How I couldn’t have noticed was beyond me.  I could barely breathe properly- it felt like there was a belt done up around my ribs and the bottom of my shoulder blades- refusing to let my ribs fully expand when I breathed. 

Yoga In the Student Recreation Centre

I thought the class was pretty challenging, and it included a lot of moves that I hadn’t done before.  It seemed Naomi focused a lot on spinal twists (which was great for me!), but it was pretty intense stuff!  Naomi was a great instructor, and I was surprised to find that there weren’t all the 19 year old lululemon girls there (there were some, but there were other staff/faculty members like me, so that was nice!).

The cost of yoga at the SRC is a good deal at 36 sessions for $444 (for staff/faculty)- which is better than a lot of other yoga providers.  I have to admit that the Student Rec Centre is not my ideal venue for yoga.  There’s none of that warm, comforting feeling that you get from other studios (especially as Shopping Week is a crazy time over there!).  I was very glad that Naomi played some music during the session, or else I would have been very frustrated listening to the machines banging away in the Bird Coop.  I was surprised at the end of the time that we had done so much in such a short time, and that I felt a lot better.  It had been a hectic Friday, so that time to relax was such a delight for me.  But I know that I feel so much lighter and at peace, when I’m not rushed out the door by the next incoming class, and I don’t feel like we’re just around the corner from the workout gym (which, I might add, is just not my scene- I personally can’t stand fitness gyms-  I just don’t like working out on machines [my body is a machine to work on all by itself!]).

Sorry, I’m Not Sold

My apologies to my friends at UBC Rec, but I won’t be taking that class this fall.  They’re doing their best with the centre they have, but I would rather go to a yoga class in a different venue, even though the class for a term only costs about $12.50 a class (which is better than a drop in rate at a lot of studios).  I’ll happily consider a yoga class with UBC Rec when there’s a space there that is better designed for yoga and the like!

Another Class Option?

I think I might see if I can wrangle a free class out of UBC BodyWorks and see if maybe they might be a good fit for me.

My Best Thing Today (Sorry I missed this last week!)
Leaving early today to see my naturopath (as opposed to leaving at 6 pm like I have so often lately) and then going to climb at the climbing gym tonight!