So Now What?

by Patricia Parker on October 5, 2009

Well, I’ve thought, I’ve plotted, I’ve read fitness articles and still, low motivation. I do walk more around campus and beyond, so I’ve got that going for me. I walked back to the office with Shierly the other day and felt GREAT. I didn’t hit an afternoon slump. What I did determine about my inner workings is “I’m at a cross road in my life!”. How did that manifest during the week? I explain below:

I’ve been spinning my cognitive wheels about how I’m going to put in the next 50 years. The last 50 have been fun, full of adventure, love and loss, triumph and adversity. I won’t trade a second of any of it. Looking ahead seems uncertain. Then, a light bulb went on in my head….get back to school.

I was a fair student until I started to pay tuition. I became a much better student when I was plunking down my hard earned cash to get an education. Going to school and flexing the brain muscle has always given me an energy and creativity that I’ve been missing in the last few years. Don’t get me wrong, raising two active children has taken a lot of time, but they are becoming more independent every day and I find myself home knitting or perhaps going for a stroll around the neighbourhood. What I’ve lacked is purpose. In waltzes the best UBC employee benefit, tuition credits. I’ve signed up for a couple of continuing ed courses that interest me greatly and I start this week.

I’ll see if actually getting back into the classroom inspires me and perhaps cleans the cobwebs out of my cranium. If that goes well, I think I’ll sign on for some credit courses and start working on another undergrad degree or maybe post grad. The possibilities are absolutely endless at UBC. Now I have to decide which direction to take. Just thinking about going to school has given me a new spark. The positive side effect of going back to school is my children can actually see that learning is a life long endeavour. I’ve spent seven years nagging the tribe about getting homework done, I guess now its time to put my pencil where my mouth is!!

Til next time



Erin 10.05.09 at 3:03 pm

So exciting Patti!

Patti Parker 10.05.09 at 3:13 pm

I’ll let you know if its exciting or drudgery…but if its drudgery, please don’t tell my kids!

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