October is Hard, but We Rise Above

by Suzanne Jolly on October 6, 2009

What is happening to this world right now!?

I’ve been feeling pretty negative lately, for reasons a-plenty.  It’s not like me though- I’m usually described as upbeat and positive.  When I do a brief scan of my colleagues’  blog entries (no offense friends!) and a general census of people at meetings, events etc, I get a sense that everyone’s really down lately.  If there had been weeks of rain, I would kind of understand it… but we’ve had some nice sunny days recently.  So what is going on!?

I know I feel like I’m running on empty this week. I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel, honestly.  And I can list off some really really good reasons why, and I even have a killer headache (my first in a few months) right now. 


Ok, I had just written the last few paragraphs, when I heard my colleagues Jolene and Steph talking in the hall.  So I popped my head out to say hello.  And they said, “come here and see this!”  And it turns out that our other colleague, brought in some jelly gummy spiders for us to enjoy. And someone put a sticky note on the jar that said “Are your hands clean?” [and there’s a hand sanitizer right in front of the jar].  So we all laugh together about this…and then Steph shows me her “Boys are Stupid” pen, and we laugh about this with another colleague…

The point is: while it may seem like we wasted five or ten minutes of our work day, it’s obvious to me that this is exactly what I needed.  My headache feels a little less overwhelming, my back is a little less aching, and I am SO GRATEFUL to work in a place that’s filled with people who want to connect with each other, laugh a little, and look out for one another.

And you know what? That’s also why I do my job: because I want more people to find the reinvigorating feeling of working in a place that’s about comraderie, respect and support.  Because that’s how I’m really going to be able to stay healthy.

Here’s some links for you and your amusement:


(sorry guys, but it’s funny!)


(my favourite online comic strip- may be offensive to some- my apologies, but some of it’s hilarious!)



My Best Thing Today: Taking in that a program that I ran yesterday (Stand Up for Mental Health) touched the lives of about 300 people.  And taking time off this morning, since I worked so late at the evening show last night! [And now, those really yummy gummy spider moments shared with my colleagues!]

{ 1 comment }

Jolene 10.08.09 at 9:15 am

those gummy spiders were my BT on Tuesday as well.
my BT yesterday: 7-1 Canucks. officially a bandwagoneer.
the little things go a long way.

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