Sick and Tired

by Juliana on October 9, 2009

I, like many other people ended up catching whatever was going around this week. I also left work early Friday afternoon and I stayed home sick on Monday and Tuesday. That was a huge deal for me as I normally don’t take any time off work. There is always too much to do and I usually end up staying home and worrying about all the things that are piling up on my desk. This time, I tuned out work and forced myself to get the rest that I needed.

Normally, when I push through and force myself to work while I’m sick, I end up making myself even more sicker. I remember someone telling me once (or many, many times) that the reason why my colds stuck around so long was because I refused to get any rest. This time I was lying flat on my back underneath several covers, drinking lots and lots of fluids.

My body was thankful for it.

Also, I’m sure that my co-workers were happy about me staying home too as I was pretty much a wheezy, phlegmy mess (yuck!).