Food Sensitivities

by Grace on October 9, 2009


Some updates:

  1. I haven’t been to the gym in several weeks but this is due to my schedule rather than sheer laziness.  I’ll be going back this week.
  2. Have been going to yoga classes.  Unfortunately, my flexibility doesn’t seem to have improved.
  3. Muscle soreness continues to come and go.  Hopefully more yoga will help.
  4. More than a week later, I still haven’t completely gotten over my cold.

It’s frustrating to see so little improvement since this blog started.

On another note, I went to see a naturopath for the first time a few weeks ago.  She sent me to get a food sensitivity test done.  According to this test, I am sensitive to wheat, gluten, cheese, yeast … the list was quite extensive and I don’t remember all of it.  To ease me in, the naturopath suggested I start with avoiding bread, cheese, milk, and white sugar.  I didn’t think white sugar would be a problem because I don’t crave sweets.  Then I realized there is white sugar in a lot of savoury foods as well, especially processed food.  Avoiding processed food is definitely a good idea.  But I enjoy eating out and you don’t really know what goes in the food you eat at restaurants.  I also love bread and cheese and a few days ago, I caved in and ate a whole pizza.  This is going to be challenging.  Even as I write this, all I can think of is PIZZA.


Jolene 10.14.09 at 12:35 pm

Grace, thats terrible news!
I have one friend who is lactose intolerant and has a gluten allergy, and entered in a pizze eating challenge. He won, but felt so ill for the next week. I can’t blame him (or you!), pizza is delicious.
There are lots of gluten-free friendly restaurants in the area…
Getting around dairy might be a little more challenging. Is it the lactose you’re allergic to? or the fat content in cheese?
Is there such a thing as soy cheese? or lactose-free cheese? i feel like there should be.

Grace 10.14.09 at 2:21 pm

Thanks for the link. I think it’s both the lactose and the fat content in the cheese that I should be avoiding. I’ve tried soy cheese and sadly it’s just not the same.

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