Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on October 12, 2009

One of the most beautiful and endearing films I have ever seen featured Kevin Costner as your average guy with a dream that he made come true because he believed he could. I am sure that many of your recall with fondness: Field of Dreams.

While the vision of famous baseball players disappearing and reappearing from a corn field is an appropriate notion for fall and baseball playoffs, another theme has emerged over the years that appears to have equal if not more appeal. In fact, I would notch this attraction up one because it provides you with an excellent way to get fresh air and exercise for hours. Furthermore, depending on how lost you get, there might be a nifty Alfred Hitchcock-type lead into Halloween for you.

Folks – Welcome to The Corn Maze.

Just imagine. It is a gorgeous, sunny autumn day.  The air is cool, requiring a jacket, but it is not too cold that a brisk walk won’t warm you up in no time. The kids are out with their friends for the day. It is a perfect time to take your favorite companion for an afternoon of reuniting with the simpler side of life that we normally drive past all summer. There is also a sweet smell to the corn that reminds some of us of memorable walks in the multicolored falls in Ontario or the Gatineau hills in Quebec.

Indeed – my favorite time of year.

To maximize enjoyment and minimize the potential for getting into trouble, please note the following. Advise your partner beforehand to wear waterproof footwear and heavy socks. Sometimes the path has puddles or is muddied by a lot of traffic. Wear a pair of jeans or pants that can afford to get splashed by flying mud or when you do a 4.5 Olympic Full Gainer into your partner’s left ankle. Wear a  jacket that can be burned after your outing. You may need a warm fire depending on how long you are out.

Have a positive attitude. Remember – it is a corn field; a beautiful example of humans harmonizing with nature from the sown seed to the grandeur of eight foot stalks that, if constructed properly, will hold you within their grasp for hours on end as you try to keep your blood pressure in check figuring out how to get out before Christmas.

Finally, remember that swearing, name calling (even if deserved), calling your lawyer and screaming are not permitted at any time.  Most important, you will have had a full afternoon (and perhaps evening as well) of exercise and fresh air.

Now – who is ready for a fresh cob of corn for dinner tonight?

No takers?

Next Week: The Fall/Winter Conspiracy

Have a week of good health.


{ 1 comment }

Suzanne 10.13.09 at 9:59 am

I love Field of Dreams. WP Kinsella (who wrote the book it was based on) is one of my all-time favourite authors 🙂
Where’s this corn maze? Maybe it’s something I should do next weekend!

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