Bouncing Back

by Suzanne Jolly on October 20, 2009

I guess we all have to accept some down times, along with our positivity. 

I did some (not all) of the promised exercise and other goodness that I said I would do last week.  I’m proud to say that I managed to do some real self-care, on my own this weekend.  Self-care looked like this:

  • cleaning up my room (or started by putting clothes away and doing laundry)
  • walking my dog
  • shopping (got a new ski helmet that I think is pretty nice!)
  • yoga
  • climbing at the indoor gym
  • running (I don’t run, but I’m trying to get in shape)
  • connecting with some friends I haven’t talked to in a while
  • making good nutritious meals at home (instead of eating out all the time)
  • going to my favourite coffee shop (and drinking rooibos americanos instead of coffee)
  • staying in bed after I woke up, for an extra hour to read my book
  • getting a lot of sleep
  • breakfast at the elbow room with a friend

(wow, that seems like a busy weekend, but it was really quite relaxed!)

On Sunday morning, I was amazed to wake up to find myself: Happy!  I don’t know what happened, really, but I haven’t woken up full of sunshine and cheer in a long time.  It’s a little harder to keep that perspective today, as my neck is killing me and a headache seems to be inching slowly up my left shoulder and into my brain, but I seem to have managed to gain a little more perspective and a little more positivity.  So that is good news to share!

I’m focused a lot on managing stress and taking care of myself this week.  We’ll see how things go.

My Best Thing Today:  Waking up well rested this morning to do some yoga in the living room before getting ready for work.

{ 1 comment }

Pierre 10.21.09 at 12:56 pm

I’m really glad to see that you’re feeling better, Suzanne.
I’m looking (with envy) at the list of things you’ve done since last week – whoa, that’s a lot! – and figure I really ought to get going on my list, too! Thanks for the motivation!

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