I’m Back, Baby!

by Jolene Cooper on October 21, 2009

Pssst. I’ve got something to tell you. 

Guess what it is.


That’s not it.

Ok you’re terrible at this game, I’ll just tell you.

I had the most amazing run on Thursday.

What made it so amazing you ask?

Well, it was exactly everything it was before I got sick.

And you want to know something else?

I had another great run last night.

 That’s right. I’m back baby!

 I’m fully recovered from being sick (or at least well on my way), and officially out of my ‘fall funk’.  Not to say that I like fall anymore than I did last week, but I’m coming to terms with this season and trying to make the best of it.

 I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one in better spirits this week.  The past few weeks, most of the department was gloomy and lethargic, this week, there’s more of an upbeat feeling in the office. I’d say some people are downright cheery.

I’m not sure what’s responsible for this positive change, but I’m putting my money on last week’s awesome potluck lunch.  

Kim's baby Shower 002

Hopefully many of you out there in virtual UBC are feeling similar happy thoughts.

If not, have a potluck lunch.  HSE can show you how it’s done.


Erin Creak 10.21.09 at 10:31 am

For me, I think the “fall funk” has something to do with coming to terms with the change in weather. Initially I fight the onset of fall and days of grey skies and rain. Only by accepting that days of sunshine are over (but will be back again next year) am I able to pick myself up, and start moving forward. Although it could also have been the potluck.

Jolene 10.23.09 at 1:51 pm

So are you now in the fall funk, Erin? I must’ve passed it off to you.

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