Midterm(ish) Report Card

by Suzanne Jolly on September 15, 2009

Vacation time means you have a little more time for reflection.  So with only 10 weeks away from our end goal, I thought I’d do a little check back to see how I’m doing (both as a motivational tool, and a kick in the bum!).  I’ve taught in college and elementary school classrooms, so here’s the report card that I’d issue to myself (and note: I don’t believe in personal health changes as being Pass or Fail- there’s way more grey area than that!):

Drink More Water and Quit Drinking Coffee: Pass
Headaches: A
Visits to the Chiropractor: A
Stretching and Yoga: C



Drink More Water and Quit Drinking Coffee: Pass

Suzanne, you haven’t really dedicated yourself to this goal.  Everytime my back is turned, you’ll make up another excuse as to why it’s ok for you to have a cup of coffee, despite knowing that you simply aren’t going to benefit yourself by doing that.  With that being said, I am pleased to see that yesterday, despite your tremendous fatigue, you managed to find energy by eating healthful foods.  I am also pleased because you have actually increased your intake of water, but there’s a lot of room for further improvement.  With a little more dedication, you could bring this up to a C or B by the end of this.

Headaches: A

Suzanne hasn’t had a headache in a few months.  This is remarkable progress, which seems to have been simply natural, as opposed to due to a lot of extra work.  Whichever way, I’m pleased to see your progress.

Visits to the Chiropractor: A

It was great to see this past month that you were able to last three weeks without a headache or a lot of pain, before you needed to see the chiropractor again.  I’ll be interested to see how well you do in the next three weeks.  Keep up the good work! (Way to go Suzanne’s Spine [and thanks to Dr. Robin for her excellent care!])

Stretching and Yoga: C

It was interesting to see how immediately inspired Suzanne was by yoga, but in recent weeks, her enthusiasm has slackened.  In fact, I believe I caught her sleeping during one of her yoga sessions recently. [It was just during corpse pose, but still!].  I hope Suzanne will rededicate herself to her yoga, as it is obvious that this exercise really helps out.  In terms of stretching at the office, Suzanne, you would receive an F on that.  Get your butt out of your chair more often and stop leaning so close to the computer screen as if you have the eyesight a 104 year old!










Last night I had my first game of dodgeball.

Walking into that gymnasium, I was reminded of why I hated gym class as a child.
The stale smell of sweat and rubber assaulted my nose, the temperature was about 15 degrees warmer than in the hallway, and that whistle. Don’t get me started on the whistle.

While I wouldn’t exactly call our first dodgeball game a success, I would say we probably had more fun than the other team; and that’s all I really wanted. So I’m calling my sore right arm a bonus gift. 

I did take some solace in the fact that I wasn’t the only one with a sore throwing arm by the end of our crippling defeat.  And now I’m known as the girl on the team who teaches the post-game stretches. 

So my plan this week is to develop an arm strengthening program, something I apparently forgot about since last week’s post where I made the exact same realization.

What our team lacks in strength and actual skill, we’re hoping to make up for in strategy.  Does anyone know of any dodgeball strategies to improve our game?

Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on September 14, 2009

Every year I experience the same phenomenon. I remember distinctly the opening day of the PNE. Then, before I realize it, I am into late September. The soft, warm breezes of summer still linger but they are now short lived with ever decreasing daylight hours and colder, longer nights.

And I know what that means – rainy days are not far behind.

When I first moved to Vancouver over 30 years ago, I observed, what I first thought, was an odd habit of the locals. When it rained, everyone went about their business as if there was not a cloud in the sky. Not too soon afterwards, I learned why. It can rain for 4 to 5 days straight or more. You can’t stop living for that long. People had to adapt and they did. Very impressive!  I observed that no one allowed a  little monsoon to disrupt even their daily walk .

Count me in!

I was then reminded that Hollywood had already recognized this fact in one of its memorable productions: “Singing in the Rain”. Who could forget that famous scene of a young Gene Kelly, in Naval fatigues, dancing and singing in the pouring rain as if he had just won the LOTTO 6 49

I guess life is and can be how you look at it.

For many years now, the morning shower for countless people has doubled as a concert venue. We can honestly say that we are playing all week. The routine has served as a great boost to our morale and inspiring start to our day. Given how we have sung every day for many years, perhaps the transition to going public does not require as significant a leap in confidence as we may think.

Just imagine if we were to extend our venue beyond our bathroom doors; breaking into “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” (B.J. Thomas) during our walks to bus stops, offices and schools on dark, miserable downpour-filled mornings intent on breaking our normally optimistic Canadian spirits.

Think of how much more exciting our rain-soaked Christmas season could be!

Do I see a new art form in the making?

If we are not sure, we can try a few tunes first in front of our families. If we empty the room in less than 10 seconds, then we know that we should practice for a few more years before trying again.

If ever.

Next week:  You Have Got to be Kidding

Have a week of good health.


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Still going …

by Grace on September 11, 2009


Managed to continue with my workouts this week.  I previously focused on carido exercises but I started adding strength training and more stretching to my routine.  The result is constant muscle soreness.

On days when I don’t make it to the gym, I go for a very quick run.  The problem with running is that I’ve started to notice some pain in my left knee.  Perhaps I need new shoes?  Question for more experienced runners out there: what precautions do you take to prevent injury?