Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 27, 2009

I have to admit it. For the past 30 years, I did not have much of an appetite for fruit.


It was never a question of not liking it. It just seemed like a cumbersome process to wash and peel or slice before eating. Mind you, as I thought about the subject of vegetables, I realized I never had a problem with preparing lettuce or tomatoes for salad. “So what’s the big deal about fruit?” I asked myself.


That was 6 weeks ago.


Now, as I prepare my lunch in the morning, I slice up two apples in a baggie to go. Consumed at break or lunch, I learned that the bonus with apples is that they help your body reduce cholesterol. The increase in energy from natural sugars is easier on my overall mental demeanor rather than ‘crashing’ a half hour later from the consumption of a manufactured sugar.


In conferring with my dietician, he told me to avoid food products that are white and focus on those that are brown. Brown bread: 4 slices maximum per day, brown rice or brown pasta (1 serving per day). Make pasta with crushed tomatoes instead of pasta sauce. If I find the sauce somewhat bland, add some fresh basil to flavour.


I limit my meat intake to a quantity the size of my palm and include as many steamed vegetables and/or salad as I wish.


Important note to self: Make sure that I use only 1 tablespoon of low calorie salad dressing, preferably not a creamy one. Use a knife and break the surface of the lettuce to allow the dressing to seep downwards. I found that using this simple step resulted in having more than enough dressing.


I am not automatically putting salt and pepper on my food. I try it without either first, then add as needed. I have been pleasantly surprised how flavourful food can be on its’ own.  


With the warm weather these days, I have tripled my intake of water.


To my surprise, I had more to say about diet than I thought. But I wanted to share some additional, simple strategies that are working for me.


Next week, it will definitely be time for eating habits and an introduction into my exercise regimen.

Have a week of good health,

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Things Learned on the Bus

by Patricia Parker on July 26, 2009

I read some articles in the Georgia Straight while I was on the bus last week. It’s under the title of “Healthy Living”(Volume 43 Number 2169 July 16-23/2009)…You know you’re on the right track when it’s in the “Straight”. The first page of the special supplement talks about maintaining a good posture when exercising. I have a notoriously bad posture. Now when I walk, sit , swim, I try to remember to keep in good alignment. If I catch myself slumping over and hunching my back, I realign and get on with whatever I’m doing.

The second article that caught my attention was about laughter therapy. Several years ago, in what seems like another life now, one of my colleagues started play and laughter interventions for grown ups. She spoke at a conference I attended. About half way through her seminar, she brought out toys like yo-yos, hoola hoops, bubbles, trucks and cars and dolls to dress up. We all played and laughed and felt very refreshed. My son brought home a yo-yo the other day. I have definitely lost the Zen of yo-yo, but with my son’s coaching, I can get it back.  I did attend the splendid Fireworks display on Saturday in English Bay.  My inner child and my two outer children were thrilled by both Mother Nature and South Africa.  Beautiful.

The third article I read talked about eating locally grown food. I’ve heard of the “100 mile diet” and have tried for years to eat primarily what’s in season. Living in British Columbia, I can choose from a plethora of yummy, locally grown fruit and vegetables. While I don’t think I will ever be dedicated enough to keep within the 100 mile radius 100% of the time (does anyone grow wheat in BC?), I definitely like the idea of eating the freshest available produce.

Reviewing my past blog entries, the list of things to do seems to be getting longer and longer. Upon serious reflection, what I am learning will be habit soon (I sincerley hope) and not a laudry list of “Honey Do’s”. I’d cross my fingers for luck, but that would cause misalignment!
Til next time


Hitting the Gym

by Grace on July 24, 2009

I’ve been going to the gym on and off for about 6 weeks now.  I’m trying to go about 3 times a week but it’s been hard to keep motivated because I haven’t been exercising regularly for years.  When I do go to the gym, I’ve been doing light cardio and it’s embarrassing how quickly I get tired.  But each time I go to the gym, it gets easier.  Last night I added strength training to my routine and alternated between light and heavy cardio workouts.  I am very sore today but for the first time since I started going to the gym, I feel like I actually had a good workout.  I know that keeping this up will be the hardest part for me.

Unfortunately, my workouts haven’t helped to relieve my back and shoulder pain.  So far.  My acupuncturist gave me some exercises to do to strengthen my back muscles.  I saw a chiropractor for the first time this week.  It was not as scary as I thought it would be.  He told me my muscles are tight pretty much everywhere, including my JAW.  I wasn’t expecting a chiropractor to talk about my jaw but he told me the same thing that my orthodontist once told me – that I have a clicking jaw which is caused by teeth grinding or clenching when I sleep.  I never thought this could be related to my headaches or neck pain but apparently it is.  Solution?  Wear a mouth guard when I sleep.  Ugh!  I thought dental appliances were behind me when I had my braces removed.


Food + exercise = Yum

by Juliana on July 24, 2009

So I have had a week of victories and not so great victories. Let’s start with the not so great victories.

I have slightly fallen off the exercising band wagon. I did a running club last week and while all the members were fun and supportive, I let my ego get the best of me and I pushed myself too much. The next day was spent feeling like the energy was being sucked out of me through the bottom of my feet and there was also some muscle soreness. While I didn’t find the soreness to be debilitating like I used to (ie. I didn’t dissolve into tears when taking a flight of stairs), I did feel the dull ache in my legs.

Because of the pain and the lack of energy, I had to slow my exercise routine a little. I instead walked more and tried to keep as active as I could. I have definitely lost the momentum I had before, but I am hoping to gain it back.

Now for my victory. Okay, so people may not think of this as a victory of any sort, but I’m counting it. Pairing food and exercise.

My friend and I were going to meet for dinner and I suggested that we go to Provence which is located at 10th Avenue. I suggested to her that she park her car at my house and that we could walk to the restaurant. I did warn her that the walk would be a good 45 minutes. Luckily, she was up for it.

After our walk to the restaurant, we had a delectable dinner. My meal consisted of spaghettini with tiger prawns and scallops and my dessert choice was a double chocolate Kalhua cake (yum, yum). After dinner, we walked back to my place (that’s another 45 minutes).

By the time we arrived at my house, we felt pretty good about ourselves. While we knew that we may not have burned all of our dinner off, we did manage to stay active and what’s even better was that we were able to spend some time together to re-connect.

I am finding real value in pairing food and a good long walk together. Walking is a great way to de-stress and re-connect with people and I highly recommend it, especially on those days you don’t feel like you want to be especially active.

I am also told that walking is also a great way to stay connected with your significant other. I don’t have any stats on that, but it is what I have heard. So the next time you are going out with your mate, leave the car at home and walk to the restaurant.

Just be sure to wear sensible shoes if the restaurant is 45 minutes away 🙂