I’ve been a bad girl….

by Juliana on October 23, 2009

3203237-Keg_Restaurant-HalifaxI know that I’m doing this much later than I normally would, but I have to say that it was a very busy day for me.  In fact, it was a very busy week for me.  I had to finish a huge project for school and that kept me very busy.  As such I was not able to keep my walks up and my potato chip craving got the best of me.  And last night I went to the Keg with my friends.

In my defense, we were around Thurlow and Robson and my friend and I had not tried the Keg in that area.  She and I have a mission where we said that we were going to try every single Keg restaurant in the lower mainland and the one on Thurlow was one of the ones that we hadn’t gone to.  So as you can see, we really had no choice.  We had to eat there that night.

Okay, I admit it, it isn’t a really good defense.  The truth is, I felt like a nice, thick, juicy rib steak and that was why we went there.

One thing that I did do right was that I didn’t eat the whole steak in one sitting.  I saved half of it for later.  The same goes for the baked potato.

So what will I be doing this weekend?  I will be finishing my project.  I will also be going for a walk again and getting back to my healthy eating.  I will also be getting more sleep, something that I had also given up in favour of my course.

That is unless I’m in Yaletown this weekend…that’s the other Keg location I haven’t been to yet.


Exercise vs. Food

by Grace on October 23, 2009

I’ve gained a few pounds over the last few weeks.  Hoping to lose it so my clothes will fit more comfortably.  The weight gain may be due to the fact that I stopped going to the gym.  However, I think it is more accurate to attribute it to food intake.

We are ingrained with the belief that the key to losing weight is to exercise.  Research is now showing that the importance of exercise in a weight loss plan has been overstated.  The key to losing weight is diet.  Obviously exercise is important to stay healthy but if one is hoping to lose weight, rethink diet.  Exercise alone may not provide results.

This makes a lot of sense to me.  A strenuous workout may barely burn off the calories from that doughnut you had as an afternoon snack.  So if the goal is to lose weight, the workout would have been in vain.  Just something to think about for people who like to reward themselves with a treat post workout.

I’ll be on vacation for the next two weeks so blogging duties will fall to Shierley herself.

Mother (Nature) Rules!

by Ted Sedgwick on October 22, 2009

  I stepped out last week into another ‘comfort zone’.  Not necessarily an expanded one, just different from my normal work routine.  Some would call it a holiday.


I was scuba diving in the islands north of Port Hardy.  For some people scuba diving might conjure images of cobalt blue waters and remote, exotic white sandy beaches.  But not in northern BC.  In mid -October.   Remote, yes.  Exotic – well that’s in the eye of the beholder.


  The diving is fantastic, rated by Jacques Cousteau as second best on the planet next to the Red Sea – and I would dispute that- but it’s the mid-October weather that might be  reason for  complaint.  Unsettled weather would have been expected but we endured 4 days of constant gale force winds (25+ knots) and an evening of storm, verging on hurricane force warnings (65 knots).  Fortunately the dive sites were very well protected and we put up with a few minutes of uncomfortable waves scooting out of our sheltered bay and around the corner to where the dive sites were.  Although the winds continued unabated there were periods of almost open blue sky and fortunately what happens above the water is not much of concern when you’re 60 feet below.

 anenomes and orange zooanthids small

  Apart from the beautiful sea life among the other memorable moments from our dives was an encounter with curious sea lions. 

Steller lion

It is not unusual to have one  sea lion ‘buzz’ you as you are diving but on one occassion a group of 5 animals was curious enough to stay with me, performing their aquatic ballet like their much smaller seal cousins.  It can be intimidating, but there is also a detectible intelligence there as you make eye contact.  I am reminded of a quote by Douglas Adams that can easily be adapted to sea lions from his original comment on dolphins:


   “Humans think they are smarter than dolphins because we build cars and buildings and start wars etc., and all that dolphins do is swim in the water, eat fish and play around. Dolphins believe that they are smarter for exactly the same reasons”.  


  I can’t claim any physical fitness or nutritional benefits from my break, but I’ll add some mental health points, with smiles on the inside for those who put Mother Nature in second spot!


I’m Back, Baby!

by Jolene Cooper on October 21, 2009

Pssst. I’ve got something to tell you. 

Guess what it is.


That’s not it.

Ok you’re terrible at this game, I’ll just tell you.

I had the most amazing run on Thursday.

What made it so amazing you ask?

Well, it was exactly everything it was before I got sick.

And you want to know something else?

I had another great run last night.

 That’s right. I’m back baby!

 I’m fully recovered from being sick (or at least well on my way), and officially out of my ‘fall funk’.  Not to say that I like fall anymore than I did last week, but I’m coming to terms with this season and trying to make the best of it.

 I’ve noticed that I’m not the only one in better spirits this week.  The past few weeks, most of the department was gloomy and lethargic, this week, there’s more of an upbeat feeling in the office. I’d say some people are downright cheery.

I’m not sure what’s responsible for this positive change, but I’m putting my money on last week’s awesome potluck lunch.  

Kim's baby Shower 002

Hopefully many of you out there in virtual UBC are feeling similar happy thoughts.

If not, have a potluck lunch.  HSE can show you how it’s done.