Application Package


The package of documents (see links below) were for a major writing assignment for English 301; an online technical writing class offered by the University of British Columbia. The aim of the project was to take an actual advertisement (please see link below for an advertisement for a full-time MBA position at Copenhagen Business school) for a suitable, current graduate program which we researched, and developed the documents necessary to apply.  I chose the MBA position in Copenhagen, Denmark as it has continuously been a dream of mine to work and study overseas. I wanted to take advantage of this assignment to research potential opportunities in the future. In development of these documents, emphasis was made on ensuring the layout, design, organization and content were of the best practices set by our digital textbook Technical Communications. Using appropriate tone and style, I created a visual appealing resume, cover letter and also included three requests for reference letters.

Link to: Advertisement for Full-Time MBA Position at Copenhagen Business School

Application Package: Cover Letter and Resume in PDF format

Application Package: Request for Reference Letters in PDF format

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