LinkedIn Peer Review

LinkedIn Peer Review Template

To:                   Spencer Lee, Student
From:              Mitchel Sharko, Student MS
Date:                October 12, 2015
Subject:           Review of Your LinkedIn Profile

Spencer Lee’s LinkedIn URL:

Initial Impression:

I have reviewed your LinkedIn profile and am very pleased with the professionalism which you displayed.  I was definitely able to quickly get a glimpse of who you were as a professional, and able to retrieve information on your work experience, education and volunteer experience.  I do have a few comments which you may consider:

Profile Photo:

You have included a profile photo which is excellent and will help lead traffic to your account.  However, a professionally taken one demonstrates competence, and experience in the work place.  I would recommend taking one and posting it on your profile as you would see a higher level of traffic to your account. There are locations on UBC campus in which this can be done free of charge such as the Students Union Building.


A summary should include objectives, skills, and aptitudes.  It should be personal, professional and manage to quickly capture the reader’s attention. I believe you have touched all of these bases.  I would however, recommend finding a synonym for team member in the first sentence of the first paragraph as the repetitiveness weakens your comment.  I believe your sentence beginning with, “My passion” should be reworded as, “I have a passion for playing and developing video games and I look forward to working on many great projects in the future”.  I believe I understood what you were trying to say but the wording didn’t seem professional.


After review of your experience I noticed a small grammatical error.  Your title for Game Developer should have a “m” instead of an “n”. I also noticed in the description of your Skunkwerks job you were a developer on MEG9: Lost Echoes.  I am not sure what this is and had to look into this.  Not all employers may be super keen to doing this.  I would provide further information on your work conducted here highlighting any achievements you may have had.  As for your description listed under Lab Technician, I would briefly describe any administrative duties which you conducted.  Future employers might like to see what technical writing skills you may have. I am happy to see you listed the dates which you worked which gives me an idea that you worked while attending school.


Your list of skills is congruent with work your experience and summary sections of your profile. Be sure to continually update this section with any further knowledge you gain as you continue to work.


Similar to the Skill section of your LinkedIn profile your Education section is congruent with the rest of your profile.  I did however notice the dates for your Computer Science degree dictates you are no longer attending UBC.  Is this indeed the case?

Volunteer Experience

It is important to include volunteer experience as potential employers will like to see if the members are active within his or her communityI am not familiar with Kalamatea thus I was a little confused by your description.  I would recommend including a brief description of what this site entails and any relevant skills which you may have used.

Additional Sections:

I believe your profile is weakened by the exclusion of sections such as current projects, certification and classes taken. Inclusion of the sections demonstrates well roundedness, adds value, and helps identify how active the member may be with his current employment/education.  I would recommend taking the time to add this information into your profile to add a sense of completeness.

Organization/Layout and Voice:  

The layout of the above sections: Summary, Experience, Skills, Education, Volunteer Experience is correctly done and the profile is professionally written with minor grammatical errors.  With the additional sections, remember to continue with your professional tone.


When employers are looking at your profile they also look to see who your connections are. A solid profile with solid connections demonstrates a strong network. I would ensure you are connected with all your employers.

Closing Remarks:

I hope my recommendations are valuable as you work to update your LinkedIn Profile. As the profile is strong, fluid and congruent, it only requires minor changes.  Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at or find me on LinkedIn.

Link: English 301 – Mitchel Sharko – Peer Review of Spencer Lee’s LinkedIn Profile

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