Social Networking Strategy

Social Networking Strategy Report

By Mitchel Sharko


Social networking is instrumental for individuals and companies looking to increase their exposure. You are able to develop loyal fans to generate further leads, improve search ranking (websites), grow business partnerships, reduce overall marketing expenses, increase sales revenue, and provide marketplace insight (Bendror). However, not every social networking strategy is the same. What may work for a volunteer might not be duplicated for a private banker. Each strategy should be tailored to the individual. Below are 10 general strategies for the development, maintenance, and growth of a professional social network and how you can follow through with each strategy.

Ten strategies in growing a professional social network:

  1. Build a base of contacts

Begin by creating a comprehensive list of individuals which you may know that are in your industry or your area of focus.  Include their professions, relevant details and individuals they may know of (Networking). Your next step is to get in contact with them.  A great place to start is through a social media platform.

  1. Decide which social media platforms suits your goals

Before you begin signing up on every social media platform from Pinterest to Facebook, you need to have direction.  Consider what your long term and short term goals are.   Only then will you have a better idea of the connections you will require in order to help you achieve success.  Once you have an idea of your optimal connections, you can utilize this information to help you focus on which platforms you should utilize.  Tumblr would be ideal for targeting high school and early undergraduate students but may not be optimal for a professional environment. An aspiration of mine is to continue my studies abroad in an MBA program. My aim is to mold my platforms around the integrity of an MBA.  Websites such as LinkedIn are highly regarded from a professional standpoint, thus concentrating on its development could help with my application process. To give you an idea of the importance of LinkedIn, 93 percent of companies utilized the site when recruiting in 2012 (Beese).

  1. Determine the impact of current social media platforms / Branding

Take a look at the social media platforms that you are already on.  Is there anything on there which may hurt your chances of you reaching your goals?  Derogatory comments, images of alcohol and illegal substances are all red flags. Remove these comments or photos.  Think of your social network as a brand.  Be authentic, original but be aware of your boundaries. A recruiter’s job is to “weed out” any irrelevant applications.  Respect their judgment and remember, other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are also heavily regarded by recruiters at 66 percent and 54 percent respectively (Beese).

  1. Determine if your social media platforms are up-to-date

Prior to applying to an educational program, a job, or a volunteer position, it will be critical to ensure all social media platforms are up to date.  This is not limited to current education and employment status but, also those individuals who you are in contact at these locations (bosses, colleagues, etc.).  Ensure to not have any discrepancies between an application package and the information listed on a professional website or platform.

  1. Voice

Be polite, courteous and cautious with your daily communication both online and face-to-face.  Ensure to develop a consistent voice across the platforms which you use. Remember you’re not the only one in the conversation.  Always make the conversation about them.

  1. Allow for user-generated content/ Stay involved

Have those who you network get involved with what your doing.  This is a great way to stay in touch.  Take some time on reading any comments which individuals have left on your Twitter feed or Blog.  Start the conversation with these individuals. Find means of staying in touch by joining groups with similar interests to your own.

  1. Monitor where your spending your time

Look at where you are spending your time and your precious energy.  What is generating you the best results?  Those are the activities you want to continue doing and do more of.  Get rid of the time and/or money wasting activities (Cattelan).

  1. Build your network

Meet someone knew every day.  Never have lunch alone. Join professional organizations, volunteer, communicate with your coworkers, and look for connections within friends, family, colleagues’ and faculty member’s circles (both online and face-to-face).

  1. Connect online with those users

Choose a combination of platforms which complement each other and help you accomplish your goals. Different individuals will be on different platforms.  If you want to see diversity in your network, consider this when you choose which websites to join. When connecting with these individuals be sure to balance quality and quantity appropriately.

  1. Discoverability

Online, remember to include key words in your profiles on your platforms which will help boost the chances of someone finding you.  Don’t hesitate to do a google search on your name to see what might pop up.  In the real world, remember to always have 10 business cards with you. You want individuals to remember you, having something tangible will help these chances. Don’t be afraid to give them out but, at the same time, distribute them wisely.


Together these strategies will help in the development, monitoring and growth of your social network.  Twenty years ago the strategy to increasing your network did not include an online component. It is now easier than ever to connect with someone.  The ball is in your court, don’t miss out on any loss opportunities.

Works Cited

Beese, Jennifer. Insights. 17 October 2013. 12 November 2015
Bendror, Yasmin. Why Social Media Is So Important for Your Business in 2014. 10 February
12 November 2015 <
Cattelan, Linda. 10 Essential Networking Strategies. 13 November 2015
Networking. 13 November 2015 <>.

Link: English 301 – Mitchel Sharko – Social Networking Strategy Report

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