Two Letters: Complaint and Bad News

Two Business Letters: Complaint and Bad News

Complaint Letter

Mitchel Sharko
555 Raven Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 1L1

Telus Communications Company
555 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 3K9

Attention: Customer Service Department
Subject: Telephone Bill Issues

After reviewing my bill for the month of September, I have found a few discrepancies regarding my data use and my balance owing.  I have been allotted 1 gigabit as a part of my contract but it appears I went over it.  I was originally told when I signed up, that if I approached this mark, I would receive a text or an email denoting so.  In the past, I have received a text.  However, last month I did not and received an email in its place.  I didn’t look at the email as I had assumed it was spam and continued to utilize data under the assumption that I was still under my allotment.

As a result of this predicament, I now owe an extra $40.00 dollars on top of my normal monthly dues.  This is simply unacceptable.  As a student, I don’t have a lot of disposable income.  I am hoping this extra cost will be removed from the bill.

I have enjoyed conducting business with this company.  I believe this is evident as I have been a loyal customer for over four years.  The customer representatives I have spoken to have always been easy to talk to and extremely friendly, and I haven’t had any problems with network coverage.  However, I feel a little betrayed by the company.  I trust we will be able to find a solution to this issue.


Mitchel Sharko

Bad News Letter

Telus Communications Company
555 Robson Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 3K9

October 24, 2015

Mitchel Sharko
555 Raven Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 1L1

Dear Mr. Sharko,

Thank you for your letter. I am sorry to hear that you had some issues with your bill last month (September, 2015), and with statements from our sales representatives.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund your bill owing.  As part of Telus’ standard mobility service terms, pay-per-use rates apply to usage that exceeds the coverage outlined in your rate plan or features.  As Telus strives to ensure our members are aware of any changes to their bill, it is ultimately the responsibility of the customer to ensure they read the emails they receive regarding any potential extra charges. You may be pleased to know Telus has provided means to monitor data use. By traveling to our website ( and navigating through to “My Account” you will find this information.

In your letter, it was also expressed some of my colleagues caused some confusion with regards to the parameters of the contract and the obligations of all parties involved.  I have spoke to my manager with regards to this and we will be submitting a document to be circulated to all employees ensuring that both employees and customers have a firm understanding of each others obligations including those surrounding data.  As an apology for the confusion this may have caused I have added a $20.00 credit to your account.

We enjoy delivering quality service at the highest standard to our clients which includes you.  Please feel free to contact us should you have any further comments or questions.

Michael Brown

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