Unit 2


October 20th, 2015

Reflecting on Unit 2: Development of a LinkedIn Profile, Formal Report Proposal and Outline, Progress on the Formal Report, and Peer Reviews

As per my previous reflection regarding Unit one, I had hoped in Unit two, to integrate more creativity and clarity into my writing.  As I proceeded to complete  a LinkedIn profile, the Formal Report Proposal and Outline, Progress Report for the Formal Report and Peer Reviews I made an effort to incorporate these aspects in these technical writing assignments.

I enjoyed the process of creating and designing a LinkedIn profile.  I recognize this social media tool as being instrumental in many firms hiring decisions and am pleased that this module was integrated into the course program.  Incorporating the creation of the LinkedIn profile demonstrates education isn’t limited to learning the theories, it is in the application as well.  From a professional standpoint, I believe my profile effectively describes my strengths and accurately presents the value I would add to any business.  Today’s companies aren’t just looking for a fulfilling cover letter and resume.  They want to see your ability to grasp the modern tools available for seeking employment.  These tools, which we have learned to utilize, not only allow recruiters to have a firmer understanding of you, but also give you the resources to share a more complete picture of yourself, increasing your chances of being offered a job.

Formal Report Proposal and Outline
The toughest part of brainstorming for the formal report proposal was finding a subject which I could be categorically impartial.  I searched for something which resonates with me along with many other students provided it could be explored, analyzed and improved through reasonable recommendations.  I wanted to leverage my connections in the computer science department as well.  I originally came up with the idea of implementing an iClicker app. However, after some research, I determined the technology was already in place, it just wasn’t being implemented at our school (University of British Columbia).  Which brought me to the questions why and what is preventing the integration of the technology? My formal report looks to answer these thoughts.

The proposal was critical to the development of the outline.  The outline was easy to create as the proposal already provided direction on the report, and simply acted to clarify the content.  In turn, the outline helped with the memorandum which included the progress on the Formal Report that summarized key submission dates, survey deadlines, and interview question periods.

Progress on the Formal Report
As the iClicker issue resonates with me, as well as many others, students are eager to share their input.  Progress with the report is, and hopefully will, continue to move smoothly as a result.  My largest concerns will be in compiling answers for online and face-to-face surveys and finding time during mid term season to conduct interviews.  I have created a schedule which I will follow, in order to collect as many responses as possible.

Peer Review
The peer review for Jared Kim’s proposal (link can be found below as well) brought up a few thoughts.  The majority of them revolving around transitions through sentences and paragraphs.  As I read through his proposal, it was interesting to note that at times I understood his train of thought however, there was a disconnect between the ideas as a result of a lack of transition. After reviewing and commenting on his proposal, I have since gone back to mine to see where I could make some adjustments on the same matter.

I have been surprised by the level of professionalism displayed by my colleagues. Generally, I found our team (Keyboard Commandos) to be very constructive in each others criticism with everyone providing enlightening comments. Interestingly, when your colleagues are trying to determine what they think you are trying to say, often times confusion arises because of the connotations of a word. I have stated at the beginning of this course, I have always had difficulties dealing with the subjective nature of reading and writing and I am finding that the peer reviews are helping me determine a tone which is suitable to a wide variety of audiences.

Unit two tested my technical writing abilities.  However, I believe I have made considerable gains in peer reviewing by becoming more confident with in my writing.  In Unit three, I want to integrating more creativity and clarity and look forward to other technical communication projects such as writing with the “right attitude”, continuing with the Formal Report and the development of professional editing techniques.

By Mitchel Sharko

Link to Peer Review of Jared Kim’s Proposal

Link to Revised Formal Report Proposal

English 301 – Mitchel Sharko – Revised Formal Report (Research) Proposal

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