Technical Resume

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Technical Skills

Languages IDE’s, Software, Libraries, & Frameworks Other
Eclipse, Android Studio, JetBrains IDEs
Adobe Pro
Apollo Client*

*Currently furthering understanding

Technical Projects

GreekBase – Web Application (personal):
Sept 2019 – Present

  • Developing a fully responsive, user friendly web application to facilitate event management including graphical analytics, voting, check-in and event creation.
  • Backend developed using open source software: Django, GraphQL, Graphene and PostgreSQL.
  • Frontend created using React.js, Apollo Client, with stylized components (CSS) patterns to create an eye-catching, modern web design.

Term Project – ATP Player Database (academic):
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018

  • Developed a database using ER and Relational Modeling to reflect professional tennis players (ATP).
  • Utilized Oracle Database to house data inserted using Oracle SQL and queried with PHP.

Term Project – Software Engineering (academic):
Sep 2017 – Dec 2017

  • Parsed a dataset asynchronously utilizing node.js API, and performed queries on the data to retrieve requested information using Typescript. Each deliverable used scrum methodology. 

Mind The Gap – Android App (academic):
Jan 2016 – Apr 2016

  • Designed an Android app using Java, IntelliJ (IDE) and Genymotion (emulator).
  • Parsed JSON data retrieved from Transport for London Open Data source to compile real time arrival information at stations on the London Underground. Black-box testing was implemented using JUnit.

Research Proposal – CBT, VR, and Depression (academic):
Jan 2016 – April 2016

  • Crafted a research proposal with a team of four inter-disciplinary students to devise the methodology to implement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) within Virtual Reality (VR) to help treat seasonal depressive disorder.
  • Conceptualized the use of Bayesian networks for decision making with an in-session character (acting as a pseudo-therapist) implementing CBT techniques aiding the subject navigate through the VR experience.

Work Experience

Full Stack & Product Designer, GreekBase, Vancouver
Sep 2019  – Present

  • Designed and implemented an ER Diagram for the GreekBase web application using LucidChart (self-taught) to 3rd Normal Form and tested using Pytest and Pycharm.
  • Created wireframes and wire-flows using Figma (self-taught) to be used as templates for web design.
  • Implemented and connected backend and frontend including authentication with Argon2 encryption.

Banquet Server Trainer, Fairmont, Vancouver,  B.C.            May 2017  – Jun 2020

  • Aimed for complete client satisfaction by providing the highest level of service during every banquet and private event with elements of luxury tailored to each individual
  • Key roles included complete event set-up and tear-down, leading teams of colleagues to ensure synchronized service for various guests and VIPs, and training of current and new colleagues.

Volunteer Experience

Class Liaison, UBC Vancouver, British Columbia
Jan 2016 – May 2020

  • Hold class discussions to determine methods of improving communication between professors and students and propose alternatives to advance the learning environment


Bachelor of Computer Science ICS, UBC, Vancouver, BC     Grad: May 2020

  • Graduated with an Integrated Computer Science (ICS) Degree from the University of British Columbia with bridging modules focused on Marketing, Finance and Accounting from Sauder School of Business

Bachelor of Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
Grad: May 2012

  • Completed Bachelor of Science Major in Biology, Minor in Economics
  • Studied Microbiology, Biogeochemistry and Economics Abroad at Lancaster University, UK

High School, Kelowna Secondary School, Kelowna, B.C.
Grad:June 2007

  • Graduated with Honors and completed the French Immersion, and Applied Science Programs

Interests and Languages Spoken

  • Computers, Volleyball, Squash, Golf, Snowboarding, Travelling, Board Games
  • Advanced Speaker, Reader and Writer: French
  • Basic Speaker, Reader: Spanish, Mandarin, German (A2)

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