Who in the world rejects McDonald’s?

I read two articles regarding McDonald’s business ethics from Berkeley Loh’s blog – one including photographies of a happy meal burger for 137 days taken by an artist, Sally Davies, and another article had extremely interesting and eye-catching advertisement from McDonald’s (for me, at least). Those two articles seemed to be written for health concerns (mainly on kids) possibly caused by consuming  McDonald’s products.

Although, she seems to be an extremely strong anti-fastfood (McDonald’s – specifically in this case) as she mentioned “Food at McDonald’s shouldn’t even be under the category “food” or “fast food””, I personally think McDonald’s is one of the world’s leading firms. Whenever I interact articles and opinions consisting negative views on fastfood restaurants,  I end up disagreeing with them for most cases. (Hoewver no offense at all to those opinions and dieas!)

The reasons I personally think such way are quite simple

 Fare competition to success just like any other businesses do. Is there ANYONE who would reject to be the Chief Executive Officer or owners of such fastfood restaurants as McDonald’s because they are so worried about people’s health concern and/or it may seem immoral to be in that position? I mean there are thousands of different junk food available to us and yet there are only a few that are successful and thus well-known. They were extraordinarily great at handling a business and I think they deserve it. I even have respect to those industries who are sneaky enough to pass through all ethical and political regulations and yet success on making profits (Tobacco industries, Fastfood industries and so on). 

Extremely successful marketing strategies such as STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning), Branding. For many times, we seek for a fastfood restaurants because they are cheap (compare to dishes properly served in many restaurants, easily available (good locations/ 24 hours open) and fast (for obvious reasons).  This fact already explains why we NEED these fastfood chains. Imagine after having an extremely exhausting day there are nowhere to get some food nearby although you are literally starving with plenty money. A Double BigMac burger meal you get from McDonald’s would be paradise (probably worth $10 or more even).

As we are wise human beings we should choose to do the right thing. I do realize and I am aware of negative nutritional facts such food provides as well. However there are absolutely no reason for us to enjoy such benefits availabe to us in certain situations and choose consuming healthier food for other times. If we think they are unhealthy we, as consumers, have RIGHTS to choose not to consume them. I am pretty sure there are no single person in the world who eat junkfood, drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes because they are practically forced to buy those products.  In other words, as consumers it is always our choices to consume such products on our own willingness and pay certain costs for expected benefits. In the end, if many people believes the benefits provided by such a firm is not worth such costs, the business will completely fail – that’s the business world.

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* I have attached a McDonald’s commercial in Thailand just because my blog’s main focus is on advertisements in Thailand

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