America’s jobs report Deceptively dull




The federal government reported that non farm payrolls rose in October from September this year and the unemployment rate continued to drop in October. All the data showed that unemployment and economy were becoming better. But actually no one feels better. There are two suggested reasons for the illusion of becoming better. One is aging baby boomers retire and some of the long-term unemployed give up the search for work, this decreases the unemployment rate. Second is low productivity and income continues weak economy. Federal government may be more optimistic to the economy according to the data, but what to about the citizens? How can they try to live a better life? Sometimes I am concerned is it most properly to exclude people who give up searching for a job from the unemployed since this action will underestimate the unemployment rate and overestimate the condition of economy. Also should the government publish policies to activate workers and thus increase productivity? I think so.

I am worried about the economy and our future if the federal government does not take action just because what data displayed is a good trend.

article:  America’s jobs report Deceptively dull

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