Work in Progress: How Adults Make Children Vulnerable

I’ve recently returned to an piece of writing that started out as a critique of sex education in Canada in the first five decades of the twentieth century and ended as something slightly different. I’ve entitled it “Constructing Vulnerability and Producing Vulnerable Children: Sexuality, Children, and Childhood in Mid-Twentieth Century Canada.”
In it, I attempt to “rethink the intertwined history of children, childhood, and sexuality in the first five decades of the twentieth century in Canada not primarily as legal transgression (although this has been an important focus in the historiography),  but rather as part of a broader adult-driven process of constructing childhood as a vulnerable life stage and children as vulnerable people.” Here’s my main argument in the piece:

I explore two significant effects that the social construction of vulnerability regarding sexuality produced in the lives of children: the shame effect and the abuse effect. That children were constructed as vulnerable meant that adequate and accurate information about their own bodies was often compromised or entirely absent. As my analysis will demonstrate, this produced debilitating shame in the lives of many young people. Second, the construction of vulnerability in childhood did not always protect children, which was often the stated goal of adults; it instead rendered them at times more, not less, vulnerable to abuse at the hands of other children and adults alike.

I’ve submitted this piece for publication – so fingers crossed that it will soon see the light of day!



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Countdown to Vienna!

A second paper emerging from “The Land is My School” project (see more information about this project in my last blog entry) is coming together. I’ll present it at the European Social Sciences History Conference at the University of Vienna happening from April 23rd to 26th, 2014. Unfortunately my co-author, Claudia Diaz, a PhD student in EDST is not able to join me – however, she will be there in spirit!

Paper Title: “The Land is My School: Children and the Natural Environment in British Columbia’s (Canada) Interwar Period.”
Venue: European Social Sciences History Conference, Education and Childhood Network, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 23-26th April, 2014.

For more information on the conference, visit:

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Upcoming Presentations of New Research

After some months of organizing a new research project entitled, “The Land is my School: Children and the Landscape in British Columbia’s Past and the Enrichment of Contemporary Environmental Learning,” I am about the embark on a some conference presentations.

See the project blog at:


land is my school blog photo


This particular project, funded by a UBC Hampton Grant, continues to benefit from the research assistance provided by Claudia Diaz (PhD) and Jonathan Fisher (MEd), graduate students in EDST. Claudia and I continue to work on co-publishing papers from the project. Stay tuned for news of a blog devoted to “The Land is My School” research, as well as notices of publications. In the meantime….

Paper Title: “Environmental Education and Democratic Citizenship in Canada: Lessons from the History of Children and Childhood”
Venue: 1st International Annual Conference on Democratic Citizenship: Educating Youth for Democratic Futures
Moroccan Centre for Civic Education
Marrakesh, Morocco
February 26 to March 1st, 2014.

For more information on the Conference, visit:

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The Trouble with “Children’s Voices”

In a recent contribution to the Society for the History of Children and Youth’s (SHCY) blog, I suggest some caveats for historians regarding our (flawed?) search for “children’s voices” in our scholarship. Have we been self-reflexive enough about the theoretical, methodological and analytical limitations of this pursuit?

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History of Children and Youth Group (HCYG) Session at the CHA Meeting, University of Victoria, June 4, 2013

Join  us for a session entitled: “Unraveling Common and Uncommon Threads: Writing the History of Childhood and Youth in Canada”

This bilingual roundtable will examine the conference themes of intersections and edges by asking contributors to unravel the common and uncommon threads within the history of childhood and youth in Canada. Contributors will identify and interrogate the fundamental theories and methodologies in Canadian historiography, as well as trends in the growing field of global and transnational histories of childhood and youth. Key themes to be discussed include the relevance of age, the search for children’s voices, and the emphasis on constructions and deconstructions of the normal, the deviant, and the symbolic child. The panelists will consider how these threads are used in teaching and research to connect and unwind the common and uncommon historic experiences of young people in Canada.
Dr. Jonathan Anuik, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta
Dr. Cynthia Comacchio, Department of History, Wilfrid Laurier University
Dr. Mona Gleason, Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia
Dr. Dominique Marshall, Department of History, Carleton University

Chair and Commentator:
Dr. Jason Ellis, Department of History, Trent University-Oshawa; Faculty of Education, Western University; Contemporary Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University.
Commentator: Dr. Tarah Brookfield, Youth and Children Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
(Co-presidents, History of Children and Youth Group of the CHA.)

(1) “Chronology, Biology and History: Why Age Matters”

Cynthia Comacchio, Department of History, Wilfrid Laurier University
Age and generation mark identity and status, are social constructions as well as biological classifications, and are fundamentally ‘historical’ as they mutate in accordance with our subjects’ lives and their larger ‘moment.’ That they are intrinsic to the subject matter that we explore, just as much as the social historian’s ‘holy trinity’ of class, gender and ‘race,’ is commonly acknowledged among historians. Their critical application as categories of analysis, however, is less evident, despite recent discussions about the possibilities of such approaches. My contribution to this roundtable explores the reasons why age and generation always signify in power relations, especially where children, historically the most subordinate of citizens, are concerned.

(2) “Beyond the Fetish of ‘Voice’ – Theoretical and Methodological Innovation in the History of Children in Canada”

Mona Gleason, Department of Educational Studies, UBC
A now common feature of many histories of children and youth in the Canadian context and beyond is a discussion regarding the “voice” of children as the most powerful (and ostensibly most authentic) source of information about their past lives. Scholars, myself included, have routinely evoked the idea of the sanctity of children’s voices as the necessary ingredient for a truly representative history of young people. Where do we find these voices and what are the mediating factors that make them more complicated than we might first recognize? What assumptions (and omissions) frame this focus on children’s voices? This paper seeks to explore more deeply what we mean by children’s voices and whether this preoccupation has precluded other, perhaps more innovative, ways to research and write the history of children and youth. Our common interest in weaving the perspectives of young people in the past might be furthered by taking up uncommon threads.

(3) “Canadian Children’s Political Action: Transnational Dimensions, Discoveries and Suggestions”

Dominique Marshall, Department of History, Carleton University
This contribution represents a reflection on the political role of children and childhood in Canada in light of the histories of humanitarianism, state formation and children’s rights, which I have been researching. Around a series of cases, it will suggest ways by which children and notions of childhood have influenced Canadian public life. It will discuss the concepts most often used by scholars to address these issues, such as agency, power, resistance, autonomy, rights, citizenship, identity, authority, appropriations, discourses, trauma, and innocence. It will also pay a particular attention to the transnational phenomena involved in these stories.

(4) “The Futility of the Hypothetical in Canadian Childhood and Youth: Practical Considerations from Education”

Jonathan Anuik, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Alberta
Real and imagined children and youth are the repository for Canadians’ fears and anxieties. Such emotions are also intellectual pillars of normal childhood. Sutherland (2000) and Comacchio (2008) demonstrate how philosophy becomes practice in enclosed spaces of childhood and youth. Subsequently, appropriate behaviours come to define normal childhood and youth in elementary and high schools. The outcome: teacher candidates rely on the hypothetical to predict the normal outcome. In my talk I take these intellectual underpinnings of Canadian concepts of childhood and youth and put them into practice as an instructor of Canadian childhood history courses whose students are undergraduate pre-service teacher candidates. I demonstrate how teacher candidates come to understand how historical and contemporary philosophies of normal childhood and youth affect their practices. Specifically, this presentation draws on my weekly lecture and seminar discussion of Childhood and Youth, Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Canada, and shares promising practices that motivate students beyond the hypothetical and the normal, fear and anxiety. I argue throughout that historians must be mindful of the consequences of anxiety and fear of real and imagined childhood and youth for contemporary educational issues in Canadian society.

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The book has arrived!

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The Land is My School – UBC Hampton Research Grant, 2013 to 2015

Funded by a UBC Hampton Research Grant, I’ll start a new research project in the next months. It is entitled “The Land in My School: Children and the Landscape in British Columbia’s Past and the Enhancement of Environmental Learning.”

This research will infuse contemporary environmental education frameworks currently used in BC schools with a historical perspective. History can teach us a great deal about how children interacted with their physical environment, how they thought about and valued the land, and how and why this has changed over time.

A key driver of this research is a largely overlooked archival collection of 200 letters written by parents and children between 1919 and 1930 to the Elementary Correspondence School (ECS), an innovative distance education program operated by the then-named Department of Education of British Columbia. The ECS offered free public school curriculum for children either too far from a public school or with limited access due to difficult terrain. A preliminary scan of around 50 letters written by children reveal detailed descriptions of their physical landscape and its relevance to their play, work, and learning. Discourse analysis will help isolate key themes in the letters, including attention to how space is made meaningful in the lives of children, that link with current C.A.R.E. curricular themes. This research provides opportunities for students to learn from, and engage with, children in the past, thereby enriching current ECE curriculum development and environmental learning in BC.

visit the project blog at:

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Publication of Small Matters: Canadian Children in Sickness and Health, 1900 to 1940

I am looking forward to seeing the book in print in June, 2013 from McGill-Queen’s University Press! From the press blurb:

In the first study of its kind in Canada, Mona Gleason explores how children faced death, endured illness, both serious and fleeting, and learned to be healthy in the context of their families and communities.

What was it like to be young and sick in the past? Who taught kids to be healthy and what were they expected to learn? How did gender, race, and class make a difference to that experience? Asking fresh questions about a key period of health and welfare reform in Canada, Small Matters explores how medical professionals, lay practitioners, and parents understood their young patients and how children responded. Through the extensive use of oral histories, Gleason sheds new light not only on children’s attitudes towards their medical treatment, but also on the largely unexplored experiences of hospitalization, disability in childhood, and importance of teachers and health curriculum to the development of ‘healthy habits.’  With a theoretically sophisticated framework that develops size and age as critical categories of historical analysis, and particular attention paid to the experiences of marginalized children, Small Matters marks a major contribution to the history of children and youth in Canada.

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