Modernism & PostModernism in a Few Minutes

I know this post is far overdue; it was meant to be discussed long before this is posted now. But here goes.

In the past 300 years or so, there have been major shifts in plenty of aspects in the sciences and humanities – namely economic thought, art theory/history, and literature. The first shift coincidentally occurred around the 19th century. Art began to break away from painters simply trying to recapture the image of some rich noble or royalty to painters starting to become more expressionist and bold (i.e. Vincent Van Gogh). In economics, this period is when present-time theories are starting to be developed – especially when Keynes starts entering the picture. In literature, writers start to break away from traditional writing forms and genres.

Then another shift occurs – postmodernism. This occurred mostly within the 20th century all the way to today. Artists again broke away from modernist patterns of painting and started to introduce further meanings & themes into their art. This is when abstract paintings that resemble a beautiful colourful mess are passed off as art. Writers start to introduce postmodern aspects, such as fragmentation and the unreliable narrator. In economics, theorists have started to assess and analyze different strains of economics, bringing with them entirely new modes of economic thought and process.

So now I suppose we wait for the next shift? The speed of technological progression, global interdependence, and the internet  should be a key catalyst in this. Anyways, what should the next shift look like? Or how have other topics (i.e. architecture) progressed through the modern and postmodern shifts?

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