Week 2 [Mama Blancas Memoirs]

Hey! First of all, we started the term strong. I enjoyed this first week’s lecture. The one thing I particularly liked the most is the fact that while it is fiction, the character is based on her but is not her. It accurately reflects many aspects of her life, especially the political ones. I enjoyed how this book narrated the political circumstances of living under a Latin American dictatorship.
For a while, I was touch and go with whether it was an autobiography or a novel, and, yes, I even wondered which parts were honest and trustworthy and which were enhanced to a certain point.
I enjoyed how, despite the text being a novel. It does not focus that much on idealizing or portraying a perfect situation as novels do. It was refreshing and a bit pessimistic the critics that were made in regards to modernization and technological advances and how the author makes this reflection on her memories.
She views her childhood memories and her time with her sisters as the ideal place when things were good and not as bad as they are in the present when she narrates it.
A line that stuck with me through the book since I read it at the very beginning was
“It was written for them, but I am leaving it to you.”
And when I thought about it, I began to realize that often we spend much time thinking and doing things for people we care for, and most of the time, it takes us too long that we never end up telling them or giving them to the people we mean to. A fact that is congruent with this vision she has of life on treasuring memories needs of living in the moment because what good does it do to a person to remember if they didn’t properly enjoy it while it’s happening?
Anyways, that was some ramble. hahaha
Another thing I enjoyed was the naming of the chapters; more often than not, when I read, I find myself just reading “chapter #”, and I found it pleasant how you get a preview when you are getting into a new chapter and how sometimes it will click why its called like that halfway through the story, or even instantly, or if you decided to read this in one go and are tired, maybe never.
Anyways, I hope you liked it, and my question for you this week is. Which sister did you find more exciting or liked the most?


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