Week 9 [The Hour of the Star]

Right from the start, I enjoyed this book. Not only because it was one of the shorter ones, but we have also been assigned this term. But for a combination of other things.
First of all, I really enjoyed the themes. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of a rural part of Brazil, n this case, the northeast, and the more urban part of brazil, the southeast. Moreover, the other theme that I enjoyed being portrayed is sexism. The portrayal of how women navigate and exist in a sexist society that, by all means, does not want them to strive or succeed. I particularly enjoyed this bit because it has been a big part of Latin American culture and is still prominent nowadays. But often, portrayals of the various countries in Latin America, this being films or novels, usually only touch a little on this issue. Moreover, as a Latin woman, I saw things all too familiar in this navigation of women in a sexist world.
Another part that might not be it for some people is that I enjoyed the narrator’s style. It was not something I was used to. It had a feeling similar to omnipotent narrators because of how the narrator communicates with the reader. It made things more dynamic and enjoyable for me.
Moving on to the plot. Something that I found interesting is how the narrator kept saying that he was going to make the story simple and plain, with no other meaning of philosophical questions, but in practice, there were philosophical questions, and at times it was not as straightforward as it was out to be.
The plot was simultaneously complex and straightforward, like the narrator’s narration. The pure morality and mundane problems portrayed o the novel make it so simple in combination with the events unfolding. Macabea got cheated on, left, went to the doctor and got diagnosed with something she didn’t even understand. Latter, has been given hope by the fortune teller that her life is about to change for the better. By then, it had just ended by bleeding out on the side of the road. I was expecting a more full circle moment, maybe by discovering that the yellow car was being driven by someone in the story or she knew.
My question for you this week is: What were your thoughts on the final chapter, with an emphasis on the strawberry season part?

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