Monthly Archives: January 2012

LLED 320 – Nitobe Gardens Outing, Writing Task Details, and Haiku: Update for Thursday, 26 January 2012


Nitobe Memorial Garden Field Trip

We had wonderful weather for our excursion to the Nitobe Memorial Garden this afternoon.  The goal of this outing to a traditional Japanese Tea and Stroll garden, was to gather 5-senses information for use in writing Haiku poetry, a Japanese poetic form.  Ahh, the synergy!  Here’s the note taking organizer:

Also, I wanted to model the value in getting your students out of the four walls of the school and into the “real world” for curricular purposes.

In-Class Writing Task Assessment Description

I took some time to describe the nature of this task and to outline the format I’d prefer.  You can find the task handout on the Assignements page of this blog.  Also, below you’ll see a photo of the layout and a model task from a previous year’s TC:

Here’s the generic, four-to-a-page rubrics for you to use if need be:

Please note that your completed task is due on Tuesday, 7 February 2012.  Please submit it all electronically or entirely on paper.

Energizer #1: Spelling Tag by Heather

The Writing Process: An Illustrative Example with Haiku

I struggled with the idea of how to present an interactive lesson on entire writing process in just an hour or two.  In the end, I settled on a lesson that involved the writing of haiku poetry, a form often used in elementary & middle school poetry classes.  We started to follow the Writing Process (as envisioned by writing teacher Diana Cruchley.  I took a workshop from her 2 years ago) –

A Writing Process

and, to that end, engaged in a variety of pre-writing activities.  The activities were:


Just as athletes get warm up their bodies before game play or practice, writers need to warm up their brains.  To this end, we worked through a Brainwarming activity designed by Julie Ferguson of Beacon Literary Services.  As a part of the Hillcrest Middle School staff, I took a workshop with her last year, enjoyed it, and I thought I’d pass along what I’d learned about improving the quality and quantity of the writing students do.

Here’s are some of the key pieces in Brainwarming:

  • Your favourite word
  • Power Words
  • Power Triplets
  • A 5-Winute Write
  • Writing quickly
  • Harnessing the power of the creative right brain
  • Supporting the diversity of learners –  from Gifted to LD – in your classroom

The PowerPoint below is the one I used in class to guide you through the exercise.  You can find more info at Julie’s website, if you are interested:


We looked over numerous haiku, determined our favourite, and developed a list of key features for haiku poetry.  Here’s the list of poems we looked at:

If you’re yearning for more haiku, check out these Zombie Haiku:


or Biff from the Back to the Future trilogy with some funny haiku songs:


or these “classic” Redneck Haiku.

Here’s a wonderful visual representation of a traditional Japanese haiku:


Criteria Development

The haiku criteria we developed were almost bang on with the criteria outlined in the text I took this lesson from, Wordplaygrounds by John S. O’Connor.  His criteria are as follows:

Haiku poems…

  • Are short

Typically 3 short  lines with a maximum of 17 syllables.  They may follow a 5-7-5 pattern but need not.  Here’s a one line haiku by Lee Gurga:

trying the old pump a mouse pours out

  • Have a Twist (Juxtaposition of images)

Most haiku have two images, one on either side of a break in the poem.

  • Focus a “Haiku” moment in time

They capture moments of epiphany or discoveries about the world and our place in it.  To best capture the immediacy of the moment, haikus are generally written in the present tense and benefit from an economy of language.

  • Focus on nature, including human nature, shown concretely

Haiku avoid figurative language (similes, metaphors, personfication and the like) in favour of direct and specific descriptions of the world around us.

  • Are 5 senses specific

Powerful haikus are based on vivid imagery based on the five senses.


In an effort to make those criteria as clear as possible, we engaged in a variety of short writing tasks:

Word Seasons (handout: Word Seasons Word List)

I showed a list of words and asked you to associate each one with a season.

Sandwich Poems (handout: Sandwich Poems Examples)

These are three-line poems in which the first two lines and the second two lines form a different compound word.  Here’s an example:




Energizer #2: Who Am I? by Amanda

Drafting Based on an Image Pool

I gave out the first line of a haiku:

Halloween night —

then asked you to visualize your most memorable Halloween night and share a few images to create a class image pool.  After that, you generated a haiku of your own and many examples were shared with the class.  Here are a few of the poems written on the board (Thanks to Tim for today’s photos – LH):

Homework for Next Class Session


Haiku Writing

  1. Write 3 haikus that fit with the key features of haiku that we explored in class.  I suggest you use the info gathered from your Nitobe experience as a stimulus but this isn’t necessary.  Your poems can be on any topic.
  2. Bring your 3 haikus to class on Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Student Diversity Reading

Please read your assigned chapter in Student Diversity and summarize its main ideas in a graphic organizer of your choosing.  Bring your completed G.O. (and your S. D. text) to class on Tuesday, 31 January 2012. The readings are assigned by surname as follows:

  • Atsma t0 Jones = Chapter 4: Writers’ Workshop
  • Kent t0 Wright = Chapter 5: Introducing Narrative Writing

My goal with these readings is to deepen your understanding of the writing process in general and, specifically, how that process might play out in an elementary/middle school classroom.  My goal with having you use a graphic organizer is to play with ways that information can be summarized.  Graphic organizers are incredibly useful tools to support the learning of all students.

The interwebs are full of many sites with information on graphic organizers.  Here’s a few:

– Lawrence

Artifact Reflection Peer Assessment, Classroom Management Revisited, & Dave’s Farewell: Update for Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Artifact Reflection Peer Assessment

We set some time aside at the start of today’s session for peer feedback on the Artifact Reflection you had posted on your ePortfolio.  The rubric we used to structure the feedback is below.  This is likely very similar to the tool that your EDUC 480 instructor will use to assess your ePortfolio this summer:

Please email the link to your revised Artifact Reflection Task on your ePortfolio to your FA by the end of Wednesday, 25 January 2012.

Inquiry Project Conference Setup

I reviewed the plan for the Inquiry Project Conferences that will occur over the next three Mondays.  Please make note of your meeting time and location, as shown in the image below, and come to this meeting with a one-pager answering the question:

  • What’s new with your I.P. since we talked last?

This one-pager will provide the stimulus for the conversation about your topic and task that will take place during our meeting.

Management Revisited

Dave and I were curious to hear about some of the successes that you had with management on prac.  To that end, we did the following:

  • Primed the Pump with Prezbo

I showed a clip from the HBO crime / drama series The Wire of a fired police officer / beginning teacher delivering his first lesson, and I asked you to look for what worked and what didn’t in his management:


  • Panel of Proficiency

After giving you some time to think about what worked for you on the 2-Week Prac with respect to classroom management, we convened a Panel of Proficiency.  On the panel were TCs who had a management success story to share.  After the sharing, we had an open discussion on several management topics

Farewell to Dave

Seeing as today was Dave’s last day in class as an instructor / FA, I took a bit of time to:

  • present him with a VP Care Package of sorts
  • express what a pleasure it has been to work with him this year
  • wish him well in his future as an administrator.

We can all look forward to working with Shep Alexander for the remainder of EDUC 310/316 and during the long practicum.  Welcome (back), Shep!

– Lawrence


LLED 320 – Group Presentation Organization & Writing Assessment Task, Part 2: Update for Tuesday, 24 January 2012

After I asked you to prepare for a trip to Nitobe Gardens at the start of Thursday’s class – be sure to bring your UBC student card – and our Daily Write, we got down to the meat of the matter

Group Presentation Organization

We developed the following schedule for the 20-minute presentations:

and you can find the task handout and rubric on the Assignments page of this blog.  For all you visual learners, here’s the schedule at a glance compliments of EM:

Engergizer #1: Hum That Tune by Amy V.

Student Diversity Readings (Intro, Chapter 1, & Chapter 3) Discussion

We took some time to process this lesson’s readings.  I asked you to use your Sticky Notes and structure the conversation in any way you saw fit.  Below is an image that summarizes our conversation regarding the form and content of these conversations:


Writing Assessment Task, Part 2

As an intro, I mentioned that some goals for this task were to:

  • Introduce you to the Performance Standards
  • Encourage you to engage in professional conversations about assessment
  • Increase the reliability (repeatability of your measurement) and validity (were you right?) of your writing assessment
  • Examine how to determine weaknesses in writing and consider strategies to address these areas of need

Next, we did a Carousel Brainstorming / Graffiti activity aimed at listing strategies to address weaknesses in student writing.  Here’s how I structured the activity:

  • Each TC received a bullet point from the Not Yet Meeting column of theGrade 8 Writing Personal Essays and Opinions Quick Scale Here’s the list of all 10 bullet points: Gr 8 Writing PE & O QS NYM Bullet Points
  • Find others with your bullet point and get a piece of chart paper and a pen
  • Write your bullet point as the title on your paper
  • Brainstorm a list of ideas you could use in classroom instruction to address bullet point – the weakness in the student’s writing – for 2 minutes.
  • Move to a different paper when given the signal.
  • Add your ideas to the paper you’ve arrived at.
  • Repeat the “move and add” process.
  • When asked to stop moving, highlight the 2 or 3 best ideas on the page you have in front of you.
  • Report those ideas out to the class.

The photos below show the ideas generated for each of the bullet points…except #7 (We missed that one for a bizarre reason that I won’t go into here – LH):

Energizer #2: People Machine by Liz W.

Assessing Your Writing Samples

After I presented a think aloud on how I’d assess and evaluate the speech from last day’s session, we got down to the assessment of the writing samples you’d brought to class.  Here’s the process we followed:

NOTE:  The document below is recycled from last year’s post and, as such, has an inaccurate due date.  The due date for this year’s In-Class Writing Assessment Task is Tuesday, 7 February 2012.

I will take some time in Thursday’s class to review the key components of this task and to outline the format I’d like you to use as you complete it.

Energizer #3: Make Them Laugh by Amy S.

BLOG ONLY BONUS CONTENT: Assessment and Reporting Resources

While the assessment process is a complex one, there are many resources available to help you out.  One excellent source of information is the BC Ministry of Education website’s page on Classroom Assessment and Student Reporting.  On this page, you will find the following info:

Key Links and Resources

Other Related Resources

I reckon that’s enough for today.


– Lawrence

LLED 320 – The Students We Teach, Organizing Group Presentations, & Intro to the Writing Assessment Task: Update for Thursday, 19 January 2012

Daily Write

With the words assessment, marking, and evaluation as our focus, we wrote for 5 minutes… and then talked for 25 more, mostly on the nature of subjectivity and objectivity when assessing Ss work.

Will’s Energizer – Bob the Weasel

Please see the Energizers page on this blog for all the details on this and every other energizer activity presented in class.

The Students We Teach

After responding to some “Stand Up If…” sentence stems, I asked you to walk, talk, and categorize yourselves based on characteristics the Ss you sketched and analyzed had in common.  T’hen, you thought of actions you could take to meet the needs of that “type” of student in the classroom.  This photo (Thanks, Jerin) captures the essence of our discussion (Thanks for scribing, Andrea):

Introduction to the Group Presentation Assignment

To start I showed you a sample handout and video prepared as part of a presentation on the Containers for Characters strategy that was delivered last year.  Here’s the handout:

To follow that up, we took time to:

  • Go over the task
  • Find groups
  • Make a tentative choice of a strategy or graphic organizer to use as a presentation topic

Here’s the task sheet and the assignment rubric:

In Tuesday’s class, we will randomly choose the speaking order and formally assign topics.  Please make sure you have a back up topic in case your first choice is scooped up by another group.

Julie’s Energizer – Screamer

Student Writing Assessment Task

The goal of this task and the work around it is to improve your assessment skills and to develop strategies for using assessment to inform instruction.

After looking at the task itself – here’s the handout: LLED 320 Writing Sample Assessment Handout – we did the following:

We’ll follow up this class by looking in more detail at the connection between the Performance Standard Quick Scales and letter grades and by having you assess samples of the student writing you gathered on practicum.

As an extension to this assessment activity, you might be interested in checking out this short video that raises some interesting questions about the role of rubrics in writing assessment:


Eric’s Energizer – Traffic Jam

For Next Class…

For LLED class on Tuesday, 24 Janurary 2012, please bring:

  • 4 to 6 student writing samples
  • A fully charged laptop (I’ve booked a laptop cart for those without)

Assigned Readings

To add richness to our classroom community building activities this week and to set the stage for our further exploration of writing assessment next week, please do the following readings from the Student Diversity text:

  1. Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: The Classroom as a Learning Community
  3. Chapter 3: Getting Strategic With Strategies

As you read, please use the Sticky Notes strategy and place a minimum of 3 stickies in your book at places of your choosing.  The image below sums up the SN strategy (it’s from p. 75 in Student Diversity):

That’s all for today.  See you on Tuesday, 24 Jan.

– Lawrence

Inquiry Project Criteria & Refining Your Inquiry Question: Update for Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Today’s lesson had two parts.  I’ll break it all down below:

Analyzing the Inquiry Project Criteria

We used the Jigsaw strategy to consider the 4 criteria – taken from the IP Rubric – on which the written component of your IP will be assessed.  Here’s the handout with the rubric:

Refining Your Inquiry Question

Using the exercises in the handout below:

you took some time to thoughtfully consider your inquiry question and craft it into a final, “I’m going to have a go with this question” draft.

5-Minute Inquiry Project Question Mini-Conferences

Dave and I want to check for understanding before you get started on your researching and writing journey so, to that end, we will be holding short conferences to review and sign off on your questions and action plan.  These meetings will take place instead of our regularly scheduled class.  Here are the schedules for those meetings:

Dave’s Schedule

Lawrence’s Schedule

For this meeting you MUST bring a final draft of your Inquiry Project One-Pager.  That’s the same document you posted on Vista before the Christmas Break.  The file is below for easy reference:

That’s all for today.

Stay warm,

– Lawrence

LLED 320 – Intro to LLED 320, Literacy Placemat, Medieval Drama, and Student Sketching: Update for Tuesday, 17 Jan 2012

Welcome back to campus for Term 2…


Hell0 to the 6 TCs who are joining the Middle Years cohort in this section of LLED 320.  I’ll post class updates on this blog so be sure to check here if you’ve missed class or misplaced a handout.

Here’s what shook down today:

Daily Write

We took 5 minutes to think and write about the topic:

  • Everything I really need to know about teachign I can learn in a K – 12 classroom

or anything else that’s on your mind.  We took up a few responses when we were done.

Preview of Thursday’s Class

Please bring the following items to class:

  • the 4-6 writing samples you gathered during your 2-Week Prac

We’ll be using the samples in class on Thursday, 20 January.

Revised Course Schedule

The course meeting times have been changed and are now as follows:

  • Tuesdays: 1:00 – 5:00 in Scarfe 1328
  • Thursdays: 1:00 – 5:00 in Scarfe 207

Course Outline

Here is a copy of the course outline:

Looking Back & Looking Ahead

I accessed your prior knowledge – the info covered in LLED 310 – so I didn’t overlap my instruction with what had already been covered.  Also, I asked you to indicate topics you’d like addressed in the course so I can determine how best to focus the class time we spend together.


Hey, it’s a long class for a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.  To spice things up and to model the types activities that you can do in your classroom with your students, we will be working some energizers into our session together.  I kicked it off by modeling Hot Categories and, later in the session, a Medieval version of Fruit Bowl/Basket:


Each TC will need to present an engergizer to the class and we drafted a schedule to that effect.  Here it is:

Please email me or hand me a short description of the activity for posting on the blog.  I’ve set up an Energizers page on the blog for ease of reference.

How Might We Define Literacy Placemat Activity

We used the placemat strategy – described in a goodly amount of detail here – as a means to access your PK on literacy.  I’ve posted the completed placemats in 1328 for all to see.  Below is a template of the graphic organizer used to do this activity:

Here’s a link to a fairly comprehensive definition from the folks at The Centre for Literacy.

Building Classroom Community Through Medieval Drama

You’ve heard of the European Middle Ages, right?  A time of brave Black Knights and, well, “coconut” horses…


I had a few goals in mind when I planned this task for today’s class:

  • Getting the MY and newly arrived TCs working together
  • Modeling how the LA strands and literacy, in general, can be infused across the curriculum
  • Having some fun at the end of a long, long day

To those ends, we engaged in variety of dramatic activities, including:

  • At The Fair – an riff on the active (and very competitive!) game Fruit Bowl/Basket
  • Exchanging Objects – trading imaginary objects with fellow fair attendees
  • Preparing for the Royal Feast – create a tableau the depicts some aspect of the preparations for a grand medieval feast.

Here’s the handout with all the details:

To bring closure to this piece of the lesson, I asked you to consider two questions:

  • What aspects of literacy were involved as we engaged in these activities?
  • How might you use or adapt these activities to good effect in your practicum (or another) classroom?

The Students We Teach

To wrap up the session, I asked you to consider a student in your class that made a strong impression on you.  Then, as best as you can, I asked you to create a poster with their likeness on it that described their:

  • Personality
  • Background
  • Strengths as a learner
  • Challenges as a learner
  • A slogan they’d likely have on their t-shirt

We had time to finish the poster creation but not to take them up.  We’ll do this in Thursday’s class.   Please remember your writing samples then, too.

– Lawrence

Reflecting on the 2-Week Prac & Thinking ePortfolio: Update for Monday, 16 Jan 2012

After collecting any outstanding EDUC 323 paperwork and taking a few burning questions we were off to the races.  Here’s how it all turned out:

Walk About Review on the 2-Week Prac

We used the Walk About Review structured conversation strategy to process your thoughts on the 2-Week prac.  Here’s a copy of the handout:

Here’s a link to more details on the process:

ePortfolio Planning

Dave outlined the task, gave you some time to consider the standards, and brainstorm artifacts that might fit each standard.  Below are the supporting handouts (thanks to DG for typing up the list of brainstormed artifacts):

For more information on setting up and completing your ePortfolio, please check out the E-PORTFOLIOS RESOURCES page on the UBC TEO website.

‘TIl Wednesday’s class in SC 1003…

– Lawrence