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The road ahead

Despite a really horrible week, I’m actually left optimistic. If it’s possible to lose 20 grand in a week, then it’s possible to make it back. This next week I’ll be looking for long term positions in an attempt to limit the destructive nature of our lovely trading software. Beans seems seem to be rallying, but I’m a bit skeptical of the market that just gutted my portfolio, so I think I’ll stay out of that market for the week. Corn looks weak, might be a good opportunity to short the market. Wheat is continuing to predictably bounce up and down every two days or so, this market has netted me a consistent $1000 / week, so I plan to stay in it. My only other change is to be religious about checking my orders. I don’t mind losing via my own stupidity, but when my sole tool begins to fail me I take it as a personal challenge. Every morning hence forth I will be checking my positions as part of my morning routine.

So I have a two stage goal, don’t go broke, and if at all possible make back my lost funds. Making 20,000 over the next four weeks shouldn’t be any more difficult than losing it in one.

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