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Archive for March, 2013

Washington State’s Commute Trip Reduction Policy

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

For this week’s blog I’m to discuss a traffic minimization policy of my choosing. I think I’ll take an opportunity discuss the legislation in my home state of Washington. The I-5 corridor, in particular the bustling metropolis of Seattle, is well known to have some of the worst traffic in the United States with an […]

That which was old is new again, BC’s Eco Fee

Friday, March 8th, 2013

“Reduce, reuse, recycle,” The motto of the resource conservation crowd, and a mantra for the environmentally conscious. The fact is that resources are scarce by their very definition. The sources of some can be renewed via natural means, but the availability of others is fixed.  Each time we consume a nonrenewable resource, we are decreasing […]

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