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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Washington State’s Commute Trip Reduction Policy

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

For this week’s blog I’m to discuss a traffic minimization policy of my choosing. I think I’ll take an opportunity discuss the legislation in my home state of Washington. The I-5 corridor, in particular the bustling metropolis of Seattle, is well known to have some of the worst traffic in the United States with an […]

That which was old is new again, BC’s Eco Fee

Friday, March 8th, 2013

“Reduce, reuse, recycle,” The motto of the resource conservation crowd, and a mantra for the environmentally conscious. The fact is that resources are scarce by their very definition. The sources of some can be renewed via natural means, but the availability of others is fixed.  Each time we consume a nonrenewable resource, we are decreasing […]

Ireland’s Carbon Policy Discussed

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Ireland was one of the European countries hardest hit during the ‘08-‘09 financial crisis. Despite economic collapse and mounting debt, the Irish Government made a resounding commitment to carbon reduction. To the uninitiated it would seem that passing measures that would restrict economic development in any way during a time of economic crisis is an […]


Sunday, November 25th, 2012

This semester’s romp through the futures market has been a lesson in discipline, international trade, and the importance of consistence in computer programing. To stage this final blog post I have decided to discuss what I liked about the project, what I didn’t, and ways I think the project could be improved. What worked Trading […]

The week ahead

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

Wheat seems to be approaching its bottom band. I expect the market to turn bullish at the start of the week. Beans continue their long term downward trend. I expect corn to continue to be bullish, recovering from the big drop at the end of October’s descending triangle.

What worked

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

I was long in wheat at the start of the week. I was looking to take advantage of the flag pattern that wheat has been running since the start of the semester. I realized that this project is quickly coming to a close, and I had not yet my midterm goal of breaking $30,000, so […]

Sources of information

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

The Wall Street Journal While it does require a membership, the journal is one of the best sources of finical information out there. With a longstanding tradition of excellence, it is considered a must read in the world of business. While it is not super consistent on futures commentary, when it does take notice its […]

The week ahead

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

Corn looks to be heading up, it’s as low as it has been since the start of the month and seem to be rebounding. It could be a good opportunity. Wheat’s volatility has fallen to almost nil as the contracts wind to a close. There is little opportunity for substantial gains in this market at […]

What went right

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

I was shot on corn at the start of the week. I was able to get out right at the bottom of the market. Other than that I didn’t touch any of the other markets. I was concerned about hurricane sandy and the roll it was going to ply in the markets. I found it […]

Cool sources of info

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

This will start my three week segment of news sources. Over the past weeks I have focused on charts and discussion boards, I feel it is time to get back to the basics and talk about good old fashion sources of news. This week, Well, here it is folks, the gold standard in finical […]

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