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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The road ahead

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

I expect corn to continue to fall. Harvest are nearly in so we should not expect to see any more price shocks due to major changes in the domestic crop report.  Wheat is in the middle of its pattern and heading down. I will take a long position the first day after an upward movement […]

What went right

Sunday, October 28th, 2012

After a bleak week of exams I reentered the market this week with renewed vigor. Seeing that wheat had approached it bottom resistance barrier I took a long position. Like clockwork the position appreciated by about a percent and a half over the week and I was able to lock in a modest profit. I […]


Sunday, October 14th, 2012 has long been known as one of the top discussion boards on the web. While it has become famous for some of its less savory subpages known as subreddits, it has a long standing tradition of excellence in discussion of highbrow topics. r/investing is no exception. With an active user base of 31,850 […]

The Road Ahead

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

Wheat seems to be approaching the bottom of its resistance band. Now might be a good time to take a long position, protected with a conservative limit in case of an unexpected decline in price. Corn has been very volatile over the last three days. It seems to be heading down but could spike just […]

What went right

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

After two back to back weeks of substantial losses it feels good to come out positive at the end of the week. I started the week sitting long on four contracts of wheat taken the week before. Prices had fallen, but not to my exit price. I knew that with the crop report coming up […]

Cool sources of information

Sunday, October 7th, 2012 This site gives market data down to a five minuet interval for all the major commodities (not that such a level of accuracy is useful given that the precision of our trading software is akin to using a sledge hammer to preform heart surgery). It hosts data from as far back early 2008, fantastic […]

The road ahead

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

Despite a really horrible week, I’m actually left optimistic. If it’s possible to lose 20 grand in a week, then it’s possible to make it back. This next week I’ll be looking for long term positions in an attempt to limit the destructive nature of our lovely trading software. Beans seems seem to be rallying, […]

What went wrong or how to lose $20,000 in two days time

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

This week went poorly. Spectacularly poorly. In fact I do not believe I could have lost as much money if I tried. It was a combination of bad bets, program glitches, and really unfortunate luck. On Tuesday I took a rather large long position in soy market expecting a market rally. I knew I was […]

Cool sources of information

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

In keeping with the tradition of internet sources I give to you the gold standard in open source investment information, This is your go to place for up to date information on the rules, regulations, and definitions of the game. The site hosts a whole encyclopedia of financial terms and jargon. In addition the […]

The road ahead

Sunday, September 30th, 2012

With news of growing pessimism for world harvests, uncertainty in the livestock market, austerity measures and civil unrest in Europe, a strengthening US dollar, and a growing volatility in the competing grains and oils, it safe to say conditions are making forecasting in the short term a bit like guessing which way a leaf will […]

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