Home (when I was at SLSS)

NOTE: For those who are trying to email me, my SD38 email has apparently stopped functioning. My current email address is jeff.cw.lee@alumni.ubc.ca

Welcome to Mr. Lee’s website, where you may find some information useful for the math and sciences.

Please click on the tabs above for information regarding your class.

Currently teaching in St. John’s International School
Previously taught in Steveston-London Secondary.
7-years tutoring experience
Loves food, watches many kinds of sports. Special love for Baseball.
Have love and hate relationship with Helium.
Hopes that I can be motivating to many students I will encounter.

That’s about as much as I can say on the page. You will get to know more about me in my class.

Stay tuned..

26 thoughts on “Home (when I was at SLSS)

  1. Do all the sperms that reach the egg fertilize it? No right?! Considering that when a single sperm reaches the membrane, it becomes impermeable, no other sperm can go inside.

    1. You are mostly correct. In most cases one egg can only be fertilized by one sperm. Think about what will happen in terms of the chromosomal numbers if you are to have 2 sperms fertilizing 1 egg; even in the very rare occasion that it occurs, the zygote will most likely be dysfunctional.

  2. Mr. LEE, since I will not be here on Monday (remember the note I gave you); can I come at lunch that day and give you my project of the journey of the sperm? Also, please tell me if there is any homefun.

    1. You certainly can. If you are dropping by that day I can tell you the homefun then. I will most likely be updating the blog of the homefun as well.

    1. Thank you for your continual support on the blog! Keep being curious on how everything works! – Mr. Lee

    1. For you, I’ll look for harder ones and post it on my blog. Chances are not anytime soon though.

      1. I’ll be patiently waiting. . .

        Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in the future!

        P.S. Try not to fail any more students on purpose. . . .

        1. Thanks! Hope you are doing well in your school as well!

          P.S. I do not fail students on purpose. I give them enough room so they can improve on their next try 🙂

    1. Now that’s one I havn’t heard for quite some time.

      But do you know what do we do with dead scientists? Barium.

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