Critical Qs in the French Revolution

  1. What actually makes it worth it? Is it worth it if we learn from it?
  2. How did the deaths of the people benefit Napoleon’s campaign?
  3. Why did the people in power always end up getting killed ?
  4. Do the people always revolt when a royal person dies?
  5. After a Dictator dies, do the people always revolt, does it always end up into a bloodbath?
  6. How did the deaths of the people benefit Napoleon’s campaign?
  7. Why was Napoleon being a hypocrite and denouncing himself, then continuing to be the emperor?
  8. Why does Napoleon believe that the roman way’s are the way to go and not something else?
  9. Why did the French allow people to dictate them over and over? Why did they not revolt at the new kings and emperors?
  10. Why didn’t the French Revolution happen earlier in time?  Why this time?
  11. Why do you think Napoleon brought down the prices of food?
  12. In what other ways was British affected by the [French] revolution?      (Food, did their economy fail? Did people rise up to change but decided ‘mmmmmm better not’?)
  13. What was Napoleons lasting impact on slavery? 
  14. Why did people act like nothing ever happened after Napoleon was gone?
  15. Why did the French allow people to dictate them over and over? Why did they not revolt at the new kings and emperors?
  16. How was the deaths of thousands of innocents related to the rise of France as an empire, and major continental player in Europe?
  17. Did the fact that one person could start such a big revolution inspire other world leaders/terrors?
  18. Were there people happy with the revolution at the time? Who befitted from supporting the revolution?
  19. How have the calendars changed through the years?

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