Intro to Fashion Design

This week in Fashion Design 12 we dove into designing a mini modern fashion line inspired by a fairy tale. To break down the project and help students wrap their head around the design process, I made a little slide show:

In this first week we are tackling the first 3 steps outlined above. As we begin to collect source material, here are some suggested resources for organizing inspirations if you decide to go the digital route:

  • Pinterest
  • Polyvore
  • Moodshare
  • Google Presentation (Here is a very simple example of how google presentation can be used to collect, organize, and present source materials for the design process. This collection was costume design for an opera called Bluebeard’s Castle.)
  • Picasa is great for basic photo editing and making simple collages.

Of course, you can always collect, print, or sketch inspirations and keep them in a scrapbook or journal. Or combine resources. Use whatever you are comfortable with and allows you to feel creative.

Sound for Concentration

In psychology class we talked about how there can be comfort in sound. Here are some resources for guided silence or soothing background noises. (If you’re interested, here’s some research on how ambient noise can improve creative cognition.)

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes – It might seem silly, but this can be excellent short-term anxiety relief.

Coffitivity – Sounds of the coffee house.

My Noise – A huge, customizable selection of white and ambient noises. I love the Jungle Noise.

Good old you tube – Just search words like ‘concentration playlist’ or ‘studying music’ to listen to free, specially set up playlists.

Songza – This is a ‘music concierge’ site. There are all sorts of genres of music on here. If you click around a bit, you can find playlists for studying that include white and relaxing noises, as well as playlists of music without lyrics (not just classical) to help you concentrate.