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How competitive is the application process?

Given that we only have limited space and the number of applicants is high the selection of GCP participants is competitive. We are first and foremost looking for committed individuals. We gauge your commitment through the application process itself. This is why we strongly encourage you taking the time to write essay responses, which tells us about you and your interest to join the GCP. These responses are apart from your previous experience and other application materials therefore critical.

How much does the GCP cost?

The registration fee will be $500 for the full 1.5 year program.

How much time do I have plan for the GCP?

Time commitment – we anticipate that the whole program involves a commitment of ~150 hours, but the monthly commitment will vary, largely depending on how you schedule activities and work outside the 6 hours of monthly cohort meetings and online work.

What weekday and time will GCP sessions be held?

We have the meetings scheduled from 1:30-3:30 currently, every other Friday.

What is expected of the mentor? How many hours do they need to commit to mentorship?

‪We’ve posted the Mentoring guidelines at the link below (they were not originally posted, but are present now):


Do I have to do my teaching practicum at UBC?

No, your practicum does not have be at UBC but instead is open to be conducted in any teaching and learning environment that your are based in. This may mean within an organization, a school or company.

Am I required to teach summer classes as well?

No there are no teaching requirements for the summer term.

What do I need to know about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)?

The key to the SoTL project is that part of your GCP entails developing a research project around teaching and learning and conduct a pilot project suited to your own needs.

For more information on the SoTL: http://ctlt.ubc.ca/programs/communities-of-practice/scholarship-of-teaching-and-learning-sotl/


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