Interview with Paul Cubbon

Interview with E-portfolio Subject Matter Expert: Paul Cubbon

  1. Is the market a slow growing one? Or is there a tipping point like the netflicks and LinkedIn of the world?

  2. Why don’t people create portfolios?

    1. It is free

    2. where can MSB add value?

      1. There is a need for an integrative e-portfolio product that aggregates platforms and information together in a EASY to use place

  3. Sites to look at-


    2. Faculty of Med- Pro D aggregate

    3. UBC MBA make a difference- on going portfolio that they work-on throughout their time in the program


  4. Employers- it is two sided, so, where are they looking, who is looking at a resume who is using linkedIn?

Bottom Line- It is an imperfect market currently- We need to characterize the spaces- find the value through questioning, interviews, analysis and testing.

We have characterized the space as a whole as: The”getting a job/personal branding” space and we have divided it into 2 parts:

  • The Online space- LinkedIn, Networking, How the job application process starts

    • Channel- online, networks, online networks

  • The Job Application (Resume, Cover Letter. Interview) Space

    • Channel- Microsoft word, resume builders, advisors

Our Value: Aggregating the online and Job Application together.

See our competition breakdown table here

B1-Traditional Resume B2- Simple formatting B3-Online Presence B4- Targetted for specific viewers B5- Easy to create quality resumes B6- Stand out B7- Interview Preperation B8-Access to professional networks
Templates Online Profile Tailored Online Profiles Tutorial Differentiate- portfolio
MySkillBase Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Resume Builder Yes Yes No No Yes No No No
Microsoft Word Yes Yes No No No No No No
LinkedIn No No Yes No No Yes No Yes no no Yes No No Yes No No no no Yes No No Yes No No no no Yes No No Yes No No

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