Author Archives: ryanabooth

Week 2: Student Interview with AD

The most surprising takeaways from this interview were:

  1. She had never heard of LinkedIn
  2. Her least favourite part of applying for jobs was the interview
  3. She did no tailoring between jobs
  4. She did not get her resume and cover letter reviewed

The full interview is here, but the hypothesis summary was:

✓ Accomplishment Statements
✓ Identifying the key qualifications and skills needed

Cover Letter
 Students don’t know the correct elements to include in a cover letter
? Students see cover letters as more important than resumes
✖ Students change the tone of their cover letter depending on the job they are applying for

✖ Students know that they should have a LinkedIn profile
 Students either do not feel confident making or know how to make a LinkedIn profile
✓ Students don’t use any other platform besides LinkedIn for their professional online presence (doesn’t even use LinkedIn)

Week 1: Employer Interview w/ Sh

This was one of our first employer interviews. The biggest takeaways were:

  1. The HR department pre-filters the resumes based on basic qualifications
  2. No interest in looking at work samples (not enough time)
  3. Small errors will not get your resume thrown out

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Our First “Interview”

Right after we left our first session on Friday, we ran into four Masters of Management students on their lunch that just had a session on career development. We were very lucky to get them at a time when they were available and in the mindset of creating job applications.

Three main points we took out of the encounter were: Continue reading