How To Earn Money On Twitter

Become a direct advertiser

When a twitter user has a large amount of followers, that user is extremely valuable to companies looking to advertise themselves and reach a large amount of people. MyLikes was developed by some ex-Google employees and was officially launched in January, 2010. Advertisers ranging from companies to individual people looking to increase awareness create a short advertisement and provide MyLikes with information on their target audience. Then, anybody become an “influencer” and tweet customized ads on behalf of the advertiser, while MyLikes pays a certain amount of money per click on the ad. The more followers and influential one is, the more each click is worth. According to MyLikes, some of their social publishers make over $40,000 per month!  

Sponsored Actions

Instead of going through a system like MyLikes, Sponsored Actions eliminates the need of an intermediary. An advertiser will directly contact an influencer and ask them to tweet a message promoting their contest. People will be entered into the contest if they follow the advertiser, re-tweet the tweet, comment on the contest webpage, or a combination of the above. This way, the influencer receives a healthy reward for letting the advertiser use their followers, while the advertiser’s message reaches many people.

Increase sales on website through direct linking

Got an e-business website selling products or services? Tweet links to individual products, interact with followers and increase sales through awareness. Peter Payne runs an online business called J-List, which sells Japanese products from food to clothing. To direct traffic to his website, he accesses Twitter’s user base through using hashtags targeted towards his target market. This way, he uses Twitter as a medium to direct traffic to his actual store, resulting in increased sales.


2 thoughts on “How To Earn Money On Twitter

  1. Awesome. I enjoyed reading your post and I will look more into Twitter marketing. I always knew that you can earn money on YouTube and blogs because of ad banners. It never actually occurred to me that Twitter could be useful in the same way as well. Do you have more statistics and number regarding how many followers you need to earn x amount of dollars per click?

    I’m really interested in the sponsor actions as well. We never actually look into each social media’s potential marketing capabilities in class. Ivan offered a lot of tools on SEO and adwords which are still great. I guess is up to us students to share the knowledge and fill in the gaps of what is missing from class.

  2. It’s interesting that seems it’s not so hard to “earn money” in nowadays. 😛 Wherever there is information, there is a chance of earning money of it. Twitter is such a huge information pool including public and private information. And these information can be converted into advertisement. It’s also show us how powerful of social media these days. There is study said people spend 2 hour in average on social media a day, and it will continually increase. Marketer will not miss this chance of making money. I have one post in my blog talk about American Express’ social media campaign. Come take a look,

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