Youtube’s Paid Sponsorships

Since first starting in 2005, Youtube has evolved from a platform for sharing your home videos to one of the most visited websites in the entire world. Currently holding 3rd place in the Alexa ranks, the Google-owned company has created thousands of jobs for brand new content creators. Ranging from how-to videos, to make up, to gaming, Youtube content creators have been able to make a living simply off of people subscribing and watching their videos.

The most well-known beauty Youtuber, Michelle Phan.

The most well-known beauty Youtuber, Michelle Phan.

Half of this is possible because of ads. Before every video, users are presented with an ad varying from 15 seconds up to more than a minute, with the longer ones being skippable. These ads provide a source of income for both Youtube and the video creator, generating approximately $5 per 1000 views for a full ad, or 80¢ per 1000 views for a banner ad. It is not uncommon for these content creators to have hundreds of thousands of views per video, with multiple videos created per week.

The second half of most content creator’s income comes in the form of paid sponsorships. A famous gaming personality will be paid privately by a large company to play a game and show off some of its new features, or a makeup artist can do a paid review of a new product from a major designer. This presents a more subtle way of advertisement, as viewers are sometimes not even aware that the content creator has been paid to show off their product.

The existence of Youtube has created a new driving force in the entertainment industry, and has opened a brand new door for marketers and businesses to promote their products. With its easy accessibility and growing popularity, Youtube has proven that it is more than a viable platform for content creators and businesses alike.



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