
Comments to the Blog Graduates From TsingHua University as a Security

Blog link http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59bd45d00102ecex.html?tj=1

TsingHua University, as one of the best university in China, has cultivated thousands of  talented in all area. As it is estimated,  TsingHua schoolmates have owned more than 300 billion Yuan which allows TsingHua University surpasses Peking University as the one whose schoolmates own the most property around China.

However, ChuanTao Wang, as a genius in TsingHua chose to find a job as a security. This choice has attracted the public eyeballs since it happened.

But as a student whose job distribution was unsatisfied and whose father was badly illed, his choice to be a security paid with 2000 Yuan (approximately 350 USD) was be thought as understandable in the blog. However, chinese society, which more tend to take money as the only evaluating standard, would likely to blame him to be a “waste of his talent”. There are freedom to define succes, why cannot a graduate form Havard clean the toilet? Chinese media should be more  inclusive in someway to be out of that kind of “realistic”


Chinese “GAP” — Metersbonwe Will Go Gobal

Metersbonwe is a famous Chinese casualwear brand, which is unknown outside china but well-known in Chinese market. According to TIME, “With about 5,000 outlets in the country, most of them under the Metersbonwe name, the Shanghai-based clothing retailer is just as omnipresent in the Middle Kingdom as the Gap is in America”. It dominates in China with the leading position. Now, Metersbonwe plans to open stores globally in three years.

Opening stores globally is a significant decision. Actually, not many Chinese companies have become global. Some of them succeed in the international market such as Lenovo and Haier, but there are also some unsuccessful causes like Li Ning. Therefore, Metersbonwe will face a big challenge in order to be recognized in the international market.

As a Chinese brand, Metersbonwe realizes many weaknesses. Firstly, Chinese brands focus too much on production but not enough on customers. In order to and develop the brand recognition and reputation, support from customers is essential. So, what Metersbonwe needs to improve is to consider more about consumers and bring committed interest to them. In addition, the quality is a problem. The quality of goods made in china is stereotypically thought as bad, which is disadvantageous for Metersponwe. Thus, the quality of Metersbonwe should be good enough to eliminate this stereotype.

Resource: http://business.time.com/2013/11/15/never-heard-of-metersbonwe-well-you-will-soon/


The Revenue Stream of A Football Club

When I was younger, I looked up at the newspaper that football player Zalatan Ibrahimovic transfered to Barca with 4.6 million euros. I wonderd how could they get so much money and spent it on a single player, does he worth that much? Football must be a royal sports.

However, when I grew up and tried to do a research on that, things becoming clear.

Television relaying fee takes up an important part of the income stream for a football club. Take my favorite team Chelsea FC as an example, Chelsea got about $55 million on television relaying bonus sharing. Besides, the bonus for The Premier League is relatively high, Chelsea got $16 million for being the 3rd place in The premier League.

After all, those business activities are count to the revenue. Some of the famous team could get more that 1 million dollars each time when they attend exhibition matches and so on. Fan articles do make sense, thousans of team uniform were sold and that will take up a lot.

Sponsorship could noy be an neglectable factor.


New Policy of Canada Experience Class in Immigration

Nov. 8th, Canada Immigration Center (CIC) announced that there has been changes on Canadian Experience Class (CEC) in the immigration policy. CIC would only accept maximum of 12,000 cases of immigration  Which means, the foreign Sauder students who would be Administrative officers, Administrative assistants, Accounting technicians and bookkeepers are not able to immigrate to Canada by CEC which was supposed to be the most efficient and popular channel. Therefore, students like many of my classmates around would be disappointed .

Many of the students or employee who long to immagrate were thinking of protest and parade, however, many of them are concerning that they, as temporary residents instead of permanent ones or citizens , are a lot less likely to make difference on that policy. As a result, most of those chose to be silent.

However, when immigration is not in a list of reasons of us to stay in Sauder School of business, our purpose was the only way to knowledge. The policy may changes the life we are to lead, our passion for the country and the hearts which eager to learn would never change.

Resouce: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/cec/apply-who.asp






Target Hired Fewer Seasonal Workers for Holiday Shopping Season


Unlike Walmart which hired more temporary works in the summer holiday shopping season, Target hired 20 percent fewer seasonal workers than one year ago. This action aimed at making its hiring more efficient.

Actually, Target workers want to work extra holiday hours since they want to make extra money as a gift for their families. Workers who choose to work in holiday season contribute to from 5% to 10% more working hours compared to one year ago. According to the representative of Target, one third of temporary holiday workers became permanent workers last year.

Target noticed that the shopping ability of consumers was still not strong enough so it lowered its expectation and tried to optimize its method of hiring workers. However, the analyst and stores experience a tough shopping season, since the back-to-school season is lower than the expectation,

Hiring less temporary workers in a sense provide more opportunities for permanent workers who are happy with working extra hours in the holiday. The action somewhat brings more self-satisfaction for those workers since they can earn more money for living, which can be considered as a method to maintain the loyalty of permanent workers.




Resources: http://business.time.com/2013/09/20/target-to-hire-fewer-seasonal-holiday-workers/



Strike went on—the Boycott of Superstore

Rencently, the Labor Union of Edmonto, Alberta has sent a letter to Loblaw Companies Ltd. CEO Galen Weston Jr. and then proclaimed that the Superstore’s gonna face a boycott of consumers as long as the deal would not reached. With the support of other labor groups outside and inside Alberta, the worker unions dare to ask for more considerable offers to the 85000 workers in Superstore from Loblaw Comoanies. The dispute stirred was mainly to do with the wages and working time for the part-time workers who contribute as most of the work force of Superstore.

The morality in business is supposed to be the most important part as opposed to revenue and interest. How human-care in the company and work place certainly in some ways shows the value and quality of the entire society. What we and the bosses should do is to create a confortable environment, to set up a reasonable working policy for the welfare of all workers.


The Way Tencent Led to the Success

Tencent is now the most well-known and popular IT company in China. If you want me to show how popular could it be, only one figure is far enough to be convinced——-the active account on QQ,the flagship product of Tencent,  reached 0.59 billion in 2009 and was in an considerable rate to increase.When Tencent was firstly set up in 1998, there were only a small office filled with a few people and roaring machines. But when it comes to 2013, Tencent has been the number 1 IT company which involves mass communication, community building, entertainment,and commercial platform. The information on Tencent’s websites, QQzones, Tencent microblogs, Paipai online trading has been needed or even necessary by millions of people in China.

The start of the effect was based on the strategy—platform building. Tencent uses QQ Chat as the flagship product to attract customers,then they build their QQzones(like personal homepage) to enrich their online life with the byproducts like QQgames,QQ music, QQpet and etc. These elements totally take the online life of the netizens,therefore the platform has been built successfully. So on, multiple project was built on the basis with which information and agendas could be sent directly to the customers effectively.

Now, a war of information transmission was on in the IT companies, the one who’s better at that will obviously take the lead. And the model of the platform which Tencent used could be adapted and applied in many of the cases in the future.


a short consideration that we should take about the economic spectulation

It is known to all that the damage to the Asian country in the Asia Economic Crisis was immeasurable. It led to the happy life of many innocent Asian people in ruin. One of the direct reasons of the misery was the inflow of the hot money led by George Soros.

It came to a nightmare when the stockholders, farmers and workers thinking about how to spend the money they had exchanged by their perspiration, traveling to Europe? Or buy a brand new Benz car? The hot money started to inflow and make the gain of money a lot easier than any time before, and disappeared even faster. Soros sold the THB out and made THB devalued. It completely turned the market and economy in Thailand in a mess and eventually went down.The next victims should be Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and finally HK. The poor people could not help but could only to watch the “great” trick —moving out of their resources and treasure and vanish them.

We can’t say that the action Mr. Soros took is illegal, however the consequences he achieved was lugubrious. This makes no deference from robbery. It is truth that some bugs of the economic system did exist, but by what means did Mr. Soros overcome the blame and nightmare from all Asian people at the night before finally made the decision to attack on Asian economy?

Economy is to help people manage their scarce resources to maximize the profit and welfare to the society. So the sense of responsibility is a necessity for all Econ Scholars and Economists