
Tree Bonding Event

1. Find a stump of a recently cut down tree in a grove
2. Count the rings to determine the tree’s age when chopped
3. Measure the circumference of the tree with hands, arms, a piece of sting etc.
4. Remove bark from the stump
5. Take shreds of the bark to make a face on the top part of the stump
6. Find another tree with a similar circumference to the tree chopped down
7. Tell that tree how the fallen one is feeling now


It never tastes as it smells

Institutional cleaning agents fill the hallway
The musty not-often used lecture hall downtown
Filling with people and their inoffensive scent
Head & Shoulder from the head in front of me
The elderly woman dabblings of perfume
Versace, Prada? Claire de la Lune?
But mostly sweat, increasingly in the room
Full-capacity, air conditioner turned off.

Claudette introduces the guest lecturer
Her first slide talks of pine trees
Go to your mind palace, breathe in pine
“A pine tree is time… all being is time…”
Ruth Ozeki appears on the screen like a
Breath of fresh air
Before the talk turns to the doomsday clock
And Kyoto Hayashi’s time hopping.
Barad’s prezi slideshow swishes from
Circle to circle until, tasting tension,
The corner of the screen begins its countdown
“Screen will shut down in 19, 18, 17…”
Without breaking her stride, yet beads of sweat
She senses the energy change in the room
Prompted by the high-ceiling release of ozone
As the projector cools down.

On again, not missing a beat, the glitch
Has been quantum erased
Less of a stench of nerves as questions begin.
Mine first! Zuni in New Mexico? No…
Time crystals? Why the big stir? It’s cute.
Dark matter? Doesn’t fit her poetics.
Beyond her lifetime. How about Freud?
She might never get to unconscious.
Do physicists misrepresent the artists?
It is a matter of ownership, pastiche of QFT,
and you can’t track the theory for the trees.
Last one from Claudette, did she study
East Asian thought? She has not.
(But what of Time Being’s appendix?)

So tell me about Ozeki and quantum Zen
“I hated the book,” she says as wine swills
Handed to her by a patient Claudette
Cheese and anti pasta on trays sitting far off
“Mind if I steal her away?”
She can almost taste it, but not quite there
A paper will be published,
Its digital details sent out
Yet the smell of those pages remain
But is not to everyone’s tastes


A White Devil Travestied



Enter Count Lodovico, Antonelli, and Gasparo

Lodo. Banish’d!

Ant. It griev’d me much to hear the sentence.

Lodo. Ha, ha, O Democritus, thy gods
That govern the whole world! courtly reward
And punishment. Fortune’s a right whore:
If she give aught, she deals it in small parcels,
That she may take away all at one swoop.
This ’tis to have great enemies! God’s quite them.
Your wolf no longer seems to be a wolf
Than when she’s hungry.

Gas. You term those enemies, Are men of princely rank.

Lodo. Oh, you slave! You that were held the famous politician,
Whose art was poison.

Gas. And whose conscience, murder.

Lodo. That would have broke your wife’s neck down the stairs,
Ere she was poison’d.

Gas. That had your villainous sallets.

Lodo. And fine embroider’d bottles, and perfumes,
Equally mortal with a winter plague.

Gas. Now there’s mercury —-

Lodo. How! how! I hope you will not got to’t here.

Fran. Nay, you must hear my dream out.

Zan. Well, sir, forth

Fran. When I threw the mantle o’er thee, thou didst laugh
Exceedingly, methought.

Zan. Laugh!

Fran. And criedst out, the hair did tickle thee.

Zan. There was a dream indeed!

Lodo. Mark her, I pray thee, she simpers like the suds
A collier hath been wash’d in.

Zan. Come, sir; good fortune tends you.
I did tell you I would reveal a secret :
Isabella, The Duke of Florence’s sister, was empoisone’d.
By a fum’d picture; and Camillo’s neck
Was broke by damn’d Flamineo, the mischance
Laid on a vaulting-horse.

Fran. Most strange!

Zan. Most true.

Lodo. The bed of snakes is broke.

Zan. I sadly do confess, I had a hand In the black deed.

Fran. Thou kept’st their counsel.

Zan. Right;
For which, urg’d with contrition, I intend
This night to rob Vittoria.

Lodo. Excellent penitence!
Usurers dream on’t while they sleep out sermons.

Zan. To further our escape, I have entreated
Leave to retire me, till the funeral,
Unto a friend i’th’country: that excuse
Will further our escape. In coin and jewels
I shall at least make good unto your use
An hundred thousand crowns.

Fran. Oh, ’twas well!
We shall not want his absence past six days:
I fain would have the Duke Brachiano run
Into notorious scandal; for there’s naught
In such cursed dotage, to repair his name,
Only the deep sense of some deathless shame.

Mont. It may be objected, I am dishonourable
To play thus with my kinsman; but I answer,
For my revenge I’d stake a brother’s life,
That being wrong’d, durst not avenge himself.

Fran. Come, to observe this strumpet.

Mont. Curse of greatness! Sure he’ll die.


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Ode to π

Ohd too pie
Peer into math text
Short piece about place value
Calculate earnestly therefore reiterate endlessly reproduce numerical shrinking sequence
In an
Always missed random secret hidden answer
Inner truth going while known
Yet not see
Every space there might exist
Whatever textbook longform division revealed adjacent quotient problems
Occurring nominally uncovered algorithm incapable answering foolhardy faithless inquirer
Various decimal numbers scatter whereas several written
Equations elucidate mysteries elsewhere remaining practical knowledge forgotten ancestors
How are you
To be
Got for now
Electric machines produces rigorous examples unveiled infinite universe
Each time they show
Enigma within square radius circle centre
Is it
Number cannot repeat emerge closer truths
Each time only once
Who can pin
One and all
Equaling attempts requires patience numeracy possible schooled positive
But has way
At no
Virtual zeroing without plainly factual account reality
Indicates pointless fertility resilient numerator uncannily similarto twenty-two dividedby
Seven makes agony until reach

So on
Andsofor thforeve randever repeatin gtiresom esequenc erandoml yassigne
Dmeaning lessvalu esforthe trillion thandmil lionthpl acesnumb erssudde
Nlya rema king sens
Andmuchto yoursurpr iseapatte rnbegins totakesha peintomor efamiliar orderlike birthdate
Soryour telepho nenumbe rbecaus eourmin disdesi gnedfor
Uickly spotti ngeasi lyreme mbered bitsof
Meaningfu landimpor tantdetai lsthatnee dnottakeu ptoomuchm entalener gyorconsc iouseffor
Tto fig ure
Howmuchwe wanttheun iversetob eatightly woundande ternallyt ickingclo ckmaintai nedbyaski
Lledtechn icianwhom wecantrus twithcari ngforoure verywanta nddesiref oreverand everameny
Ett his god
Asaheav enlytim ekeeper isreall yamythb eganbyS irIssac
Apple didno thitm yhead Newto

Words never match every sense
Constant up-to-date theories disprove catch-all formulae creating nonsense
Ah me