Native Advertising

Native advertising still sounds strange and weird to my ear as a marketing student. After attending classes that is talking towards native advertising, it has make me realise about a new way on promoting and utilising social media on promoting a brand.

Have you ever open a BuzzFeed articles that sponsored by certain brand ? or talking about certain brand ? it is one of the example of native advertising. It is hard for a marketer to comeup with certain advertising that does not hinder or affect people perception towards the product. As Westjet trying to create a playlist on Songza successfully create pros and cons on how the company excel the campaign

After Learning about native advertising, my team has decided to implement the knowledge to the client that we are doing for the group project. We will use this type of advertising in-order to increase engagement between people and the organisation. The reason is to ensure that the organisation will be able to increase its brand image towards its target audience. Do you guys think Native advertising will be the next big thing in marketing ?


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