NHL Lockout- Business Ethics

Business ethics is how people in the business world should perform and react to different circumstances and events. It is the set of moral standards that individuals and organizations in commerce go by. The article that I have selected is based around the possibility of an NHL lockout and how the players, owners, and the league are interacting. “The NHL is looking for an awful lot, too much too fast” and the players aren’t being able to digest it and agree. NHL wants to reduce the share of the players by a ridiculous 14%. This means that there is going to be a hefty cut of 24% in a player’s average annual salary. The two sides are miles apart from coming to an agreement and as judgment day approaches it can easily be presumed that there will most definitely be a lockout. The NHL and players will both be affected by this greatly, but the real losers are the fans. The fans are the ones who pay for ridiculous salaries of players and this is how NHL repays them; by commencing another lockout.