Capture Deep Pockets from China Market

Chinese, one of the largest population in the world, is well known for its incredible demand for everything, in particular necessities. According to the latest study by think tank Demand Institute, there was a 70% increase of $3.7 trillion that Chinese consumers spent last year. By 2025, Chinese consumers are expected to spend more than $6.4 trillion a year, which is a startling amount.

In fact, China’s population accounts for almost 20% of the whole world population, according to Worldometers (2015). With China’s continuous and thriving economic growth since 2000, the purchasing power and willingness of the population in China are generally increasing. No wonder large enterprises such as Apple Inc. are regulating products and services to accommodate Chinese consumers’ needs. For instance, Apple Inc. produced iPhone5 in gold specially for Chinese market. The influence of Chinese does not only appears in local aspect, but also being beneficial to international and transnational aspects.

Being one-fifth of the world population (which keeps growing continuously), Chinese market is always expected to be focused by worldwide corporations. The development of Chinese local consumption online such as Alibaba is also worth to be noted. With no doubt, we should always keep a close eye on the future development of this large market, which is of great potential and influence to the world.


China Population in 2015

China’s consumers to spend $6.4 trillion by 2025

Slumped Retailers with Slumping Sales Figure Expected


On 19th November, Best Buy (BBY) delivered the latest news on retailing sales figure this year. Its stock has fallen down by nearly 6%. This news has disappointed investors and struggled companies particularly in the electronic market. It is expected that the coming holiday (shopping) seasons at Christmas and New Year will not boost retailing sales revenue in electronic market much – it may even reducing. Worse still, some other big box stores like Walmart (WMT), Nordstrom (JWN) and Macy’s (M) are not very optimistic about the holiday shopping season as well. Another apparent change of shopping pattern is discovered, that customers start purchasing more big-ticket items, such as vehicles and furnitures, instead of small-ticket ones, such as tablets and phones.

At this point, we still cannot decide whether this change of shopping pattern is temporary. However, this is an alert to remind developers and retailers that the thriving electronic market nowadays may not be permanent. They should always take a very close look at the social, economic and environmental trend apart from “creating” the trends, in order to secure profit level. Otherwise, overly aggressive investment may result in similar situation with Best Buy – although sales of big-ticket items go up, the company is offset by the declined sales of small-ticket items, eventually creating a loss more than a gain.


Commenting on JaeEun’s Post “Disney, Excessive pricing for the excessive demand”


According to reports, Disneyland has decided to raise its price of annual pass and daytime ticket prices. One of the reasons is probably the busiest seasons – Christmas and New Year are coming. The price increase has apparently caused discontent from potential customers of Disney. However, in my opinion, the increase in price is somehow logical and efficient in balancing the demand and supply of Disneyland.

The demand for Disneyland has been insatiable in recent years. According to, the revenue of Walt Disney Company has been increasing, even though the prices of Disney products and services, such as Disneyland tickets, toys, usage of hotel facilities etc. are increasing. The demand is seemed to be inelastic in the market – the percentage increase in the products and services are expected to create a smaller percentage change in quantity demanded. The price increase acts as an efficient tactic to balance demand and supply.

On top of that, it is meanwhile suggested Disney should increase the frequency of social services to accommodate the price increase, since the less well-off people in society may not afford the increased price of Disneyland tickets. In terms of business ethics, Disney can provide discount and benefits for relatively poor families, in order to improve company’s image even there is price increase and to fulfill social responsibility.


Jean Byun’s Blogpost “Disney, Excessive pricing for the excessive demand”

Walt Disney Quarter Revenue in 2015

Economic Impact Created by Terrorist Attack in France

On 13th November, Paris was reported to be attacked by terrorists, resulting in a death toll at 128 and numerous of casualties by now. Thousands of police and soldiers were drafted in to secure the city. Both Paris and the world citizens are horrified by the attack.

In 2014, France ranked the third in terms of total tourism revenue in the world. Tourism is an enormous part of revenue for France. However, the attack has made tourists shaken and horrified. In short run, tourists are expected not to travel France due to the potential threats from terrorists and sorrowful atmosphere. Gain from tourism activities such as shopping, which Paris is well known for, will reduce. Exports and imports will meanwhile be affected because TNCs may lose their confident towards local market due to the continuous political and social unrest in France.

Apart from external impacts, internal ones are expected to appear. For instance, French’s working incentive will decrease due to uneasy atmosphere in society and political unrest. Both the physical and mental state of the country will decline after the incident, and will not be able to fully recover in short term. The casualties of Paris attack are pathetic and innocent. It is hoped that they can get recovered physically and mentally to make a concerted effort to rebuild the stunning city.


Commenting on Blogpost “Google Self Driving Car” by Kary


According to reports of Google, the very first Google Self Driving Car will soon be available in the automobile market in 2017. This is an incredible technological breakthrough of automobiles. The only thing drivers have to do in order to be driven, is just speaking or typing the location to the vehicle’s interface. Then the car itself will “drive” you to your destination.

A noteworthy point is that the self driving car provides both internal and external benefits. For internal, Google itself is expected to gain a significant amount of profit due to the patent and brand reputation. While for external, it helps expand the automobile market. Not only drivers buy cars, but also non-drivers. It increases the customer segments of automobile market and results in more potential customers, who do not have driving license and may be willing to purchase a self driving car.

Nevertheless, when someone gain, someone lose – traditional automobile manufacturer and retailers are expected to be the greatest loser when confronting the battle with the self driving car. The self driving car will be a big hit to the traditional automobile, which have to be controlled manually by human. The driving routine of people around the globe may meanwhile be changed by this breakthrough of technology.


Weighing between Economy and Environment


The nature and money – both we cannot live without. Which do you think weighs heavier than the other? Currently, the world generally are opting for the latter when it comes to their policies. Not many countries are willing to sacrifice their economic output to exchange for a better and stabler environment for our next generations.

However, people may start changing their ground after reading the Fifth Assessment Report of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It states that “There are six estimates for expected impacts of warming at 3°C or above, with a median estimated impact of a 3.6 percent reduction in global GDP for 3–4.9°C of warming.” 

At present, people are being relatively short-sighted – just paying attention to short-term benefits and exploiting the right to use of our future generations, which is not sustainable at all. They neglect that in fact achieve sustainability is actually a mean to sustain their business and economy as well. The study well illustrates the situation. If the world keep let warming worsens, it is revealed that more unpredictable diseases and catastrophe like coastal flooding will be approaching. As a result, the overall long term productivity will generally decline at a certain point.

It is hoped that people should think further, rather than just themselves. Reducing carbon emission does not just benefit the environment, but also is proved to achieve economic sustainability.


Surging property prices in Canada

Due to rapid population growth, the global property market prices have been increasing a lot among these decades. And Canada is no exception. The high demand to housing leads to an overvalue of 35% of Canadian properties, according to the study of housing costs around the world by the Economist Magazine in August.

Two major reasons will be accounted for the surging property price, huge demand from overseas and weak global economy. First, the insatiable demand from both the local and oversea market. Canada is popular among Asians and other nationalities to move in in the past few decades. And of course, there is natural population growth in Canada. These create a great demand towards Canadian housing. As a result,  general price of properties increases. Another noteworthy point is the demand for housing is relatively inelastic, which means the percentage change in price creates a smaller percentage change in demand.

Second, a weak global economy contributes to higher property prices because it leads to a “ultra-loose” monetary policy. At the present, interest rate is reduced to historic lows, which encourages people to borrow mortgage loans and purchase housing. Some may purchase housing for residence. Yet some may purchase for speculation. Both action boost the demand for housing, meanwhile raising prices.

Although the risk of housing asset is relatively low compared to other financial assets, people should always look out for a blast of property bubble due to the too-high property price level, which is unpredictable.


Gender Equality in Global Economy

Gender Equality has always been a hot issue in the Globe, particularly in less developed countries such as India, where women status is low. In these countries, women usually perform care work such as taking care children and the elderly, and housework. However, these unpaid works are not calculated in GDP, a measure of output that excludes unwaged work.

It is clear in our minds that these women’s unpaid efforts contribute a great betterment to our society. And in fact, once these efforts are paid, “world can be a much richer place”, according to a new report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI). Studies state that countries can in fact boost the economy by 5-20% if women’s participation in paid jobs is on a par with men’s. Traditionally, people may have a perception that women are less productive and diligent than men. This study has overthrown the general impression such as weak and ineffective towards women.

Achieving gender equality is a mean of achieving civilization. Everyone benefits from an equal and courteous society, particularly women in less developed countries. Better still, studies have proved an increasing women’s participation can lead to a boost in our economy. It is hoped that this study can be a crucial step to encourage employers employing women regarding their abilities, but not gender.


Business Ethics – a Must to Become Success


Business Ethics apply to all size and aspect of business firms. There are myriads of stakeholders in disguise when a capitalist starts business, ranging from general public to schools, from the government to  society. An ethical decision made by firms definitely create positive impact to the whole society.

The well-known coffee company Starbucks makes does good to society while generating great profit. Starbucks provides health benefits to both full-time and part-time employees, yet in fact many employers do not in the fast food industry. While Starbucks Supplier Diversity Program always cooperates with suppliers that are either female or minority-owned. This certainly improves their lives and meanwhile reduces the seriousness of monopoly by large suppliers. Starbucks also contributes to the environment and public education by encouraging recycling and sewage reduction in every branch.

It is crucial for firms to sustain their moral attitude and provide reasonable service to society and the environment meanwhile gaining profits. As a result, firms, suppliers and customers generate a strong bonding and faith in one another.